
  1. 深圳市建设用地面积动态变化预测

    Forecast to Construction Land Dynamic Demand of Shenzhen City

  2. 林地面积和建设用地面积一直处于增加的状态。

    Forest land area and the construction area are in the increase status .

  3. 曲线段公路建设用地面积的精确计算

    The Accurate Computation of Used Land Area for Highway Construction in Curved Sector

  4. 总体特征是农业用地面积和比重减少,建设用地面积和比重增加。

    The proportion of agricultural land area has decreased accompanied with the increase of construction land .

  5. 城市建设用地面积大量增加,16年间共增加了211009公顷。

    Urban area was the other one changed distinctively , and increased by 211009 ha among sixteen years .

  6. 景观类型方面表现为耕地、林地和建设用地面积的持续增长,以及草地和沙地面积的不断减少。

    The area of cultivated land , forest land and construction land kept sustainable grown , while grassland and sandy land decreased gradually .

  7. 2010年工矿仓储用地供给面积达到15.27万公顷,占全国建设用地面积总供给的35.67%。

    The supply of industrial , mining and warehousing land area was 152,700 hectares , accounting for 35.67 % of the total supply .

  8. 提取三个时期的土地利用情况,分析呼和浩特市城市扩展过程中土地利用变化,结果表明:伴随城市建设用地面积的增长,除林地外,其他各土地利用类型面积均呈减少趋势。

    The results showed that : the other types of landuse are reduced except woodland with the increase of the city construction land .

  9. 研究期间耕地和建设用地面积有所增加,其他土地利用类型面积有不同程度的减少。

    During the stud period , cropland and construction land had an increased area , while other land use types in were in adverse .

  10. 截至2008年,仅59年的发展便使城市建设用地面积增长到3377.15平方公里;常住城市人口增长了约5倍。

    Up to the end of 2008 , the built-up area was 3377.15 square kilometers and the resident population grew by 5 times during the 59 years .

  11. 彝良县2000~2008年的8年间,总体上农用地和建设用地面积增加,未利用地面积减少。

    During the eight-year period from 2000 to 2008 , Yiliang County had generally experienced increase in farmland and construction land areas and decrease in unused land area .

  12. 随着经济水平逐步增长、城市化步伐加快、城市化水平不断提高,大连市各种建设用地面积不断扩大,城市内部用地结构也在逐步调整优化。

    With the constant development of economy , the acceleration of urbanization pace and the constant enhancement of urbanization level , the scale of various construction land of Dalian increases continuously .

  13. 未来12年,耕地、林地、水域和草地面积将进一步减少,未利用地和建设用地面积增加,表明未来面临的生态问题仍然很严重。

    In the future 12 years , the areas of farmland , forest land , grass land and water land will keep decrease , and construction and unused land will increase .

  14. 图书馆的建设用地面积为一万六千平方米,为于校园中轴线上,是将来新校区中最主重要的建筑物。

    Library construction land area of sixteen thousand square meters , the central axis of the campus , the new campus of the future of the most important buildings in the main .

  15. 结果表明:本区草地占主导地位,其次是林地,耕地与建设用地面积只占很少比例;

    The result indicates : grassland is dominated in this area and woodland is in the second place , but the area of cultivated land and construction land only take few proportions .

  16. 因此,提高生态系统服务价值的途径主要是增加林地和园地面积,严格控制建设用地面积,合理充分开发未利用地。

    As a result , the approach to enhance the ecology service value was increasing areas of woodland and garden plot , controlling areas for construction strictly and exploiting unused land reasonably and adequately .

  17. 在5年多的演变过程中,城市建设用地面积迅速扩大,水体、耕地和林地面积减小,各类景观要素的破碎度不断加大,总体景观格局的多样性和均匀度减小。

    In the 5 years of evolution , the rapid expansion of urban construction land , water , farmland and forest land area decreased , the fragmentation of various landscape elements constantly increased , the overall landscape diversity and evenness decreased .

  18. 根据模拟,2009-2016年怀来县各景观类型变化明显,耕地面积不断减少,建设用地面积持续增加,其余景观类型略有变化。

    According to the simulation , in 2009-2016 year period , landscape types of Huailai County would change obviously : cultivated land is decreasing endlessly , while the area of construction land continues to increase , and the rest of the landscape type has a slight change .

  19. 对未来土地利用/覆被变化趋势的模拟表明:三峡库区(重庆)的耕地和草地面积减少,林地、水体和建设用地面积增加。

    We use the model to predict the trend of the land use and land cover change in the future . The cultivated land and the grass land will be reduced , and the wood land , water body and built-up area will increased in the future .

  20. 在小城镇迅猛发展的同时,其建设用地的面积随之扩张,很多地方的小城镇建设用地处于低效利用状态。

    Meanwhile , the construction lands of small towns in many places are used inefficiently .

  21. 通过分析,可以看到:从1986年到2000年,南台岛的景观结构变化特征都出现明显的差异。城乡建设用地的面积大幅度上升,增加了近1.2倍;

    Landscape pattern changed dramatically during the past 14 years . The urban-rural construction land area was increased rapidly , and its area in 2000 was almost 1.2 times more than that in 1986 , with the greatly decrease of cultivated land , grass and water .

  22. 19年间渝西地区景观多样性逐步提高,建设用地和林地面积增加,耕地减少。

    19 years Chongqing west area landscape diversity gradually improve forest area , construction land use increased , cultivated land change .

  23. 林地景观是最主要的景观类型,且景观优势度非常明显,建设用地的占地面积最小,优势度最低,人类活动对整个格局影响不大。

    Woodland landscape is the most important type of landscape , whose LPI index is very obvious . The construction land is the smallest footprint whose LPI is the lowest .

  24. 林地、耕地和建设用地的总面积和总周长分别占全区面积与周长的93.59%和86.24%。景观类型斑块面积、周长、斑块数分布均极不平衡,尤其是3类主要景观类型差异较大。

    The three main components covered 93.59 % of the total area and 86.24 % of the total perimeter , respectively , which proved that the area , perimeter and patches number of different landscape elements distributed unevenly .

  25. 1987 ̄2002年景观格局动态变化显著:河流景观、水浇地景观、林地景观和滩地景观类型的面积呈减小趋势,坑塘景观、稻田景观、旱地景观和建设用地景观类型面积则呈增加趋势。

    From 1987 to 2002 , the area of the river , irrigable land , forest and beach landscape types presented a decreasing trend while the area of landscape types of pools , paddy field , dry land and construction land presented an increasing trend .

  26. 最后阐述了精神卫生中心的建设用地指标和建筑面积指标。

    Lastly , this paper elaborated mental health centers construction land targets and indicators of building area of the mental health center .

  27. 各城市建设用地镶嵌于大面积的耕地和绿地之中,形成了斑块廊道基质模式,构成了焦作市城镇景观总体格局。

    Patches of various construction land are embedded in the large area of farmland and greenland to form " patch corridor matrix " pattern .

  28. 同时台湾建设用地的平均斑块面积、分维值和规模大的斑块比重均高于福建,反映了闽台两地建设用地空间特征的区域差异。

    According the fractal dimension analyse , it points out some different character of the spatial structure and pattern of built-up land between Fujian and Taiwan .

  29. 分析结果表明第二产业的发展使能源的消耗,建设用地增加,耕地面积减少同时水资源的消耗也减少。

    The results show that the development of secondary industry to increase the energy consumption , construction land increased , while use of farmland to reduce the area of cultivated land , but water consumption has been reduced .

  30. 其中,耕地、牧草地呈下降趋势,主要向林地和建设用地转移。耕地面积减少2086.18hm~2,降幅达22.99%,牧草地至2003年时已消失;

    The proportions of the tilth and grassland have been the downtrend , the area of tilth has decreased by 2086.18 hm ~ 2 , to the extent 22.99 % , and the grassland vanished in 2003 , which have been transferred to the woodland and construction land .