
  1. 本文力求对高速铁路牵引供电系统馈线、变压器的保护原理进行系统的研究,为中国高速铁路建设准备一定的技术基础,同时完善现有牵引供电系统保护原理和功能、提高其工作可靠性。

    The purpose of this paper is to systematically study the protective principles of feeder and transformer in traction power supply systems of HSR and to resolve some technical problems for the construction of Chinese HSR and to improve the present protective principles , its functions and reliability .

  2. 文献标引工作如何为新馆建设做准备

    How to Prepare for the Construction of the New Library by Using Literature Index

  3. 目前,邮政正在建设和准备建设5个全国性的计算机网络。

    Now five national posts computer networks are being built or planned to be built .

  4. 除了网站设计,景观建筑师选择网站建设,准备的成本数据,启动长期规划,选择实用走廊和编制环境影响报告书。

    Besides designing sites , landscape architects select building sites , prepare cost data , initiate long-range planning , select utility corridors and prepare environmental impact statements .

  5. 其中,高中班级文化建设的准备过程很重要,它包括了解学生以及组织各种准备活动,是高中班级文化建设的基础。

    Among them , the preparation process of the cultural construction of high school class including understanding the students and all kinds of preparatory activities is very important .

  6. 为了使我国的社会信用体系建设有准备地、顺利地走向未来,我们还必须作艰苦的分析工作、认真的对话、甚至相当大的妥协。

    To make our social credit system built under good preparation , we have to do more hard work on analysis , careful dialogue , and even relatively much compromise .

  7. 相关以深圳地铁为研究对象的时间范围是在地铁建设的准备期和建设期;本文研究数据的时间跨度涵盖了建设期和运营期,填补了同类研究的空白。

    In domestic-related research the research time span is in the preparation and construction period of Shenzhen metro ; In this paper , the data time-span covered over the construction and operation period , which fills the gap of similar studies .

  8. 商业银行应通过合理的股权结构、以客户为导向的管理理念、先进的设备基础和正确的用人机制,为风险管理内部控制的建设做好准备工作。

    Set up the internal control after realized its risk totally , the commercial bank should set up reasonable stock constructer , the management idea guide by the customers , advanced assets and correct human mechanism as the prepare work of the internal control .

  9. 第二部分描述X银行原信息系统状况、启动核心业务系统建设的基础准备工作。

    The second part describes the original X-bank information system and the preparations of start building core operational system .

  10. 而纵观西方ADR热背后的制度基础、历史根源、理论建设甚至人才准备,将发现这不是一场突如其来的和解文化,而是一场自然而然的机制变革。

    Through the study of the historical origin , Institutional and theoretical basis and professionals reserve behind the ADR heat in the western countries , we can find that it is not a sudden arise culture of reconciliation , but a natural reform of mechanism .

  11. 我校图书馆自动化建设的前期准备设想

    Some Ideas about Early Preparation for Building Library Automation

  12. 图书馆新馆建设的前期准备

    Preparation for the Construction of New Libraries

  13. 虚拟图书馆建设的技术准备

    On the Virtual Library and its Construction

  14. 这五个阶段是:中国期货市场建设的理论准备阶段;

    These five stages are : the preparative stage for the establishing of Chinese futures market ;

  15. 浅谈古籍书目数据库建设的前期准备

    A talking about the preparation in the earlier stage of the building of bibliographic database of ancient books

  16. 到2006年6月,基本完成奥运场馆及设施的工程建设;各项准备工作基本就绪。

    By June 2006 , the major construction projects of Olympic venues and facilities will be completed and basic preparations finished .

  17. 他指出,军队要按照打仗的要求搞建设、抓准备,确保部队战之必胜。

    He has told the group that Chinese soldiers should be at full military readiness to ensure victory in any wars .

  18. 朱咏雷表示,上海世博会的各项筹办工作进展顺利,园区建设、运营准备等工作按既定的时间节点稳步推进。

    The Expo preparation was smooth and preparation works , such as constructions on Expo site and Expo operation preparation , were on schedule , Zhu said .

  19. 塌楼日强调,质量低劣的中国建筑标准就像上海进行大规模的建设热潮,准备明年的世界博览会。

    The building collapse on Saturday highlighted the poor quality of Chinese construction standards just as Shanghai undergoes a massive building boom in preparation for next year 's World Expo .

  20. 考察当前我国思想文化建设的理论准备,必须深入阐发一个超越经济决定论意义上的马克思主义文化理论的可能性。

    Taking stock of current theoretical preparation for ideological and cultural advancement one finds an urgent need for elaboration of the possibility of a Marxist theory of culture that transcends economic determinism .

  21. 从馆舍建设和业务准备两个方面概要介绍了包括项目组织、建筑设计、发展纲要、功能布局、运作管理模式、服务模式等在内的东莞图书馆新馆建设的过程和各项工作情况。

    The paper introduces briefly the process and work of new Dongguan library construction , including project organization , building design , development outline , function distribution , model of operation and management , model of service , etc.

  22. 本文通过对工程建设施工项目准备期、施工过程及竣工期的管理进行研究,系统地阐述了工程建设施工项目全过程的管理。

    This text through the study of management at preparatory stages of project under construction to engineering , construct course and the time of completion , Have systematically explained the management of the whole course of project under construction of engineering .

  23. 本文依据较为科学合理的零部件生产准备工作流程建设的生产准备信息系统,可以提高生产准备工程师的工作质量,也是提高新车型零部件质量的重要保证。

    In this paper , the production preparation information system which is built on the basis of more scientific and reasonable parts production preparation process , can improve the work quality of the production preparation engineer , and it is also important assure to improve the new car parts quality .

  24. 如何做好工程建设项目的施工准备工作

    On the ways how to have a better construction preparation for projects

  25. 为打赢未来信息化战争,为祖国的国防现代化建设,我时刻准备做出自己的贡献。

    I am every second ready to contribute my part to protecting my nation in the information warfare !

  26. 建设银行正在积极准备上市,作为一家商业银行按照市场经济的要求经营是建设银行生存和发展的关键。

    The Construction Bank is planning to be listed actively , it is the key that the Construction Bank survives and develops to manage at the request of market economy as a commercial bank .

  27. 当地风能资源评估是建设风电场前期准备的必要条件之一,而测风塔和测风设备是获取当地风能资源分布的主要手段。

    Wind energy assessment is one of the necessary conditions to develop a large-scale wind farm . Anemometer tower and wind resource acquisition system are main method to obtain the distribution of wind energy in local site .

  28. 通过实验室装备招标采购的工作实践,介绍实验室建设目标、前期准备、招标评标、质量监控等工作的体会。

    Through the working practice of inviting bids for procuring laboratory equipments , this article introduced the experience about the goal of constructing laboratory , the fore-period preparation , inviting bids and evaluating the bids , the control of quality etc.

  29. 分析了高校图书馆建设特色专题数据库的条件,指出了建设数据库前期准备工作中应注意的4个问题,同时介绍了茂名学院图书馆化学化工数据库建设的内容和方法。

    This paper analyzes the conditions of constructing university library , s own special characteristic database , points out four problems needing attention in the first-phase preparations , and introduces the contents and methods of the construction of the chemical and chemistry database of Maoming college library .

  30. 介绍世界一些国家和地区在此方面的先进技术和管理经验,总结我国农业市场信息体系建设中的特点与不足,为吉林省农业市场信息体系建设提供经验准备;

    Introducing some advanced technology and good management experience in some countries an regions , summing up Chinese AMIS 's merits and shortcomings , which are preparation of experience to promote Jilin 's AMIS .