
  • 网络design institute
  1. 首先,通过访谈和问卷调查的方法对HN建筑设计院的内外部环境和人力资源管理中遇到的问题进行了确认和分析。

    Firstly , using methods of interview and survey , the author analyse the problem of HN architectural design institute which concentrate on the issues of interior and exterior enviroment and human resource management .

  2. 湖南省教育建筑设计院

    The Education Architecture Design Institute Of Hunan Province

  3. 建筑设计院CAD图纸管理系统分析设计

    The Analysis and Design of CAD Drawing Management System for Architecture Design Institute

  4. CI导入在建筑设计院的应用研究

    A study of CI application in architectural design institute

  5. MBO与中小建筑设计院的产权改革

    MBO & Reform of the Property Rights of Small and Medium-Sized Architectural Design Institutes

  6. 专业化发展&大型建筑设计院改革探讨

    Development of Professionalization : Exploration of Reform of Large-scale Architectural Design Institutes

  7. 谈大型建筑设计院的改革与发展

    Reform and Development of Large - scale Architectural Design Institutes

  8. 建筑设计院设计系统自动化的应用

    Application of design system automation in the architectural design institute

  9. 中南建筑设计院深圳分院

    Shenzhen branch of central - South building design Institute

  10. 竹节桩在设计院科普楼工程中的应用沈阳市建筑设计院

    The application of bamboo joint pile in tall buildings Shenyang Institute of Architectural Design

  11. 对策:中国大型建筑设计院

    Strategy : Large-scale Architectural Design Institutes in China

  12. 合肥工业大学建筑设计院市场营销策略研究

    Study on Marketing Strategies for Hefei University of Technology 's Institute of Architectural Design

  13. 重庆市园林建筑设计院

    ChongQing Landscape Architecture Planning & Designing Institute

  14. 中国特色的建筑设计院

    Design Institute with China 's Characteristics

  15. 北京建筑设计院的首席主创建筑师马国新似乎很乐观。

    Ma Guoxin , chief architect with the Beijing Architectural Design Institute , seems more optimistic .

  16. 广州珠江外资建筑设计院建院25周年作品回顾

    The Work Retrospect for the 25th Anniversary of Guangzhou Pearl River Foreign Investment Architectural Designing Institute

  17. 目前,国内对建筑设计院战略研究的参考文献还不多。

    At Present , the reference to the building design institute strategic research is quite limited in domestic .

  18. 天津市建筑设计院

    Tianjin Architecture Design Institute

  19. 其次,分别从外部环境和内部环境两方面对沈阳市建筑设计院战略的制定进行分析。

    The second , it analyzes the strategy making environment of Shenyang Architectural Design Institute from outside and inside .

  20. 该证书的取得,标志着建筑设计院在设计质量管理方面上了一个新台阶。

    The certificate obtained , marking the Construction Design Institute in the design of quality management on a new level .

  21. 近日,安徽建工学院建筑设计院通过质量管理体系审核,并取得认证证书。

    Recently , Anhui Institute of Technology Institute of architectural design through quality management system audit , and obtain the certificate .

  22. 本人现于上海建筑设计院任自由设计师,并会操作常见电脑软件。

    As a freelance designer of Shanghai Construction Design Institute , I am familiar with the use of common computer software .

  23. 中方主要建筑师多来自国家大型建筑设计院,具有丰富的工程设计经验及项目管理能力。

    Most of Chinese primary architects who have project design experience and the ability of item managing were from famous construction design organization .

  24. 四川省建筑设计院是我国西部在城市建设和开发领域提供专业服务的大型建筑设计咨询机构。

    Sichuan Provincial Architectural Design Institute ( SADI ) is a large-scale architectural design consultancy institution offering professional service in fields of urban construction and development .

  25. 本文针对A建筑设计院的薪酬与绩效研究在一定程度上具有借鉴和参考意义。

    To some extent , the study of compensation system and performance management on the institute of Architectural Design A in this paper could supply a reference to enterprises .

  26. 建筑设计院一般都不会考虑这方面的问题,因为他们对建筑之「艺术性」的兴趣,更甚于社会渐增之事务项目中的一部份。

    Architecture schools generally don 't deal with it because they are more interested in the " art " of architecture than architecture as part of a bigger societal agenda .

  27. 在这样一个战略转折点上,沈阳市建筑设计院应该暂时放下以前的业绩,用战略眼光重新审视竞争环境,剖析自身的问题。

    At this turning point , Shenyang Architectural Design Institute should forget their good records from past , and focus on the competition environment use strategy vision to analyze the problems that they may have .

  28. 为检验上述研究成果,本文以某建筑设计院2002年至2007年相关数据、资料为基础,开展实证分析。

    In order to check up aforesaid research , the article bases correlative data and information of QJ construction design institute for analysis of demonstration in 2002 ~ 2007 . As a result , the analysis makes know three contents .

  29. 公司以客户为导向,依托强大的产品设计能力,应用先进的创新思维,为各个建筑设计院、园林设计院、家居设计师等提供独特风格的设计理念。

    Orienting to the need of clients , the company provides their design concept in specific style to various architecture design institutes , landscape design institutes and household designers with the help of its products design capacity and advanced creative ideas .

  30. 苏州市MY建筑设计院是于2003年由事业单位转制而成的股份公司,其前身是1978年成立的苏州市房管局设计室。

    Su Zhou MY Building Design Institute is transfers a limited-liability company in 2003 by the institution which the system becomes , its Predecessor is the Su Zhou Housing and Real estate Administered Bureau Design Office which was built in 1978 .