
  • 网络Building foundation;construction site;Creep
  1. CFG短桩复合地基技术用于高层建筑地基处理的探讨

    Study on CFG Short Pile Compound Foundation for High Building Foundation

  2. DDC法在西安高层建筑地基处理中的应用

    Application of DDC-Method to Foundation Treatment of High-rise Buildings at Xi'an

  3. 石灰桩与CFG桩联合应用处理高层建筑地基

    Foundation Treatment of Tall Building With Combined Application of Compacted Lime Pile and CFG Piles

  4. 在计算地基土附加应力系数及平均附加应力系数时发现《建筑地基基础设计规范》(GB50007&2002)表K.0.2中给出的平均附加应力系数存在一定的误差。

    In calculating the additional stress coefficients and average additional stress coefficients in foundation soil , some slight errors in table K. 0.2 in the Code for Design of Build Foundation ( GB50007 & 2002 ) are found .

  5. 可以认为高速铁路深厚层软弱土CFG桩复合地基的沉降计算采用建筑地基推荐的沉降计算经验系数偏于不安全。

    The paper shows that it is unsafe to use the empirical coefficient of settlement calculation that the building foundation recommended applied to the settlement calculation of CFG pile composite foundation of soft soil deep layer of high-speed railway .

  6. CFG桩(水泥粉煤灰碎石桩)是近十几年来发展起来的一种软弱地基处理方法,由于它施工成本低,处理的地基承载力高,在工业与民用建筑地基处理方面应用广泛。

    The CFG pile ( concrete , fly ash and macadam pile ) is a new dealing soft ground method which develops in recent ten years , which is an effective methed because of the low cost of construction and the high bearing capacity .

  7. 采用强夯置换法处理淤泥或淤泥质土在《建筑地基处理技术规范》JGJ79-2002及一些行业规程中均己涉及。

    The heavy tamping replacement method on the silt and the silt clay has been involved in the technical code for ground treatment of building ( JGJ79-2002 ) and some professional technical specifications .

  8. 3挤密成孔法夯实水泥土桩复合地基承载力计算所采用的有关参数取值范围超出了《建筑地基处理技术规范》JGJ79-2002中的有关规定;

    Some value of the parameters adopted by bearing capacity calculation of the composite base of rammed cement soil pile with seal extrusion to hole formation exceeded the criteria of ' Technical Regulation on Building Ground Treatment ' .

  9. 参照《建筑地基基础设计规范(GB5007-2002)》建议的刚性桩复合地基变形计算模型,对郑州某管桩复合地基实际工程进行了变形计算。

    Applying the settlement calculation model in the National Code for Rigid Pile Composite Foundation ( GB5007-2002 ) to certain project of pipe pile composite foundation in Zhengzhou , comparison is made about the survey result and that of calculation .

  10. 依据《建筑地基基础设计规范》(GB50007-2002)中柱下单向偏心矩形扩展基础设计方法,通过理论推导给出了基础高度及基础底板弯矩的简化计算方法。

    Based on designing method for the one-way eccentric rectangular spread foundation under column in Code for design of building foundation ( GB50007-2002 ), the paper deduces simplified calculation method from the theory by the base altitude and base slab 's moment .

  11. 湿陷性黄土地区建筑地基及地道的处理

    On treatment of architectural foundation and subway in collapsible loess area

  12. 高层建筑地基强度的计算程序与数学模型

    Computing programme and mathematical model of foundation strength of tall buildings

  13. 用直接振捣法加固既有建筑地基

    The Use of Direct Vibration for Subsoil Treatment of Existing Buildings

  14. 既有建筑地基基础加固技术规范

    Technical code for improvement of soil and foundation of existing buildings

  15. 建筑地基勘察中控制性勘察孔深度的计算

    Calculation of depth of controlling investigation borehole in foundation soil

  16. 高层建筑地基不均匀沉降施工技术

    The constructing technology of high building with non-uniform subsidence in its ground

  17. 为高层建筑地基处理提出一种行之有效方法。

    An effective method to treat high rise foundation is put forward .

  18. 赤泥作为工业建筑地基的实例

    An Example of Using Red Clay as the Foundation of Industrial Buildings

  19. 高层建筑地基基础概念设计的思考

    Review and optimization of the conceptual design of foundations for high-rise buildings

  20. 高层建筑地基基础及上部结构实测与研究

    The Test and Research on the Foundations and Superstructures of Tall Buildings

  21. 浅谈对特征值一词的体会&应用《建筑地基基础设计规范》有感

    Experience Of Eigenvalue In Basic Design Criterion Of Architecture Base

  22. 夯扩桩在民用建筑地基处理中的应用

    Application of Rammed - bottom - enlarged Piles in Civil Building Foundation

  23. 采空区场地高层建筑地基稳定性评价

    Stability evaluation of foundation for tall buildings in gob sites

  24. 相关的设计思路和方法可供同类条件下高层建筑地基基础设计参考。

    The design method can be referred for engineerings with similar ground .

  25. 土工加筋技术在高层建筑地基处理中的应用

    Application Of Geo - Textile Technique In Foundation Treatment Of High Building

  26. 关于现行建筑地基基础设计规范在应用中的一些问题

    Some problems Concerning Practical Application of Building code Requirements for Foundation Design

  27. 昆明泥炭与泥炭质土对建筑地基的影响

    Effect of Kunming 's Peat & Peaty Soil on the Building Foundation

  28. 地基承建商&工作性质包括设计及建筑地基工程。

    Foundation contractor-works including design and construction of foundation projects .

  29. 多高层建筑地基处理的优化设计方案分析

    The Optimal Design of the Foundation Treatment in High-rise Building

  30. 建筑地基和地下洞室同时破坏。

    〣 oth ground building and cavern are failure .