
  1. 建窑陶瓷的美学本质与工艺特征

    Esthetics Essence and Craft Characteristic of Build Kiln Ceramic

  2. 八大窑系中的建窑系窑址之一。

    It is the site of a Jian kiln .

  3. 拟建窑河洼电厂灰场对地下水环境的影响评价

    Impacts Assessment of Construction of Waste Ash Pond to Groundwater Environmental in You River Hollow

  4. 本文通过描述宋代的社会环境因素来揭示建窑陶瓷的美学本质;

    This article discussed esthetics essence of build kiln ceramic according to social environment factor of Song Dynasty 's.

  5. 通过阐述宋代的社会因素对建窑珍品艺术风格形成的影响;

    Through explain social factor of Song Dynasty to build kiln treasure influence that artistic style form this text ;

  6. 宋代最为流行的饮茶用具莫过于福建建窑所生产的黑釉茶盏。

    The most popular tea utensil in Song Dynasty is the black-glazed teacup of Jian kilns in Fujian Province .

  7. 同时通过对建窑陶瓷斑纹形成工艺特征的描述来揭示建窑陶瓷珍品具有肌理美的内在必然性。

    It also described the certain relations between skin texture beauty of build kiln products and formation craft of ceramics steak .

  8. 景德镇湖田窑窑址的南宋、元地层出土了类吉州窑、类建窑以及自具特色的黑釉瓷片。

    Some black glazed porcelain sherds which like Jizhou ware , Jian ware and have their own features were also excavated from Southern Song and Yuan strata of Hutian kiln .

  9. 禁止占用耕地建窑、建坟或者擅自在耕地上建房、挖砂、采石、采矿、取土等。

    It is forbidden to build kilns , graves or houses on cultivated land or to dig sand , collect stones , do mining and carry soil away from cultivated land .

  10. 摘要内容:建窑是宋代南方瓷窑之一,以烧造黑釉器著称,其烧造地点在今福建省建阳水吉镇。

    Constructs the kiln is south Song Dynasty one of porcelain kilns , burns makes the black enamel organ to be famous , its fever makes the place in now Fujian Province Jianyang water Ji Town .

  11. 建窑黑釉茶盏在宋代尤其是北宋中后期的兴起以及盛行一时并非偶然现象,而是与当时的社会人文环境和斗茶文化的发展密不可分。

    The rise and prevalence of the black-glazed teacup from Jian Kiln in mid-late Northern Song Dynasty is not by chance but is separable with the development of the social and humane environment and the culture of contending tea at that time .