
  • 网络holding cost;inventory carrying cost
  1. 库存持有成本占到了产品成本的20%到40%。

    The holding cost of stock has occupied 20 % to 40 % of the product cost .

  2. 因此,拥有高的顾客服务水准及低的库存持有成本一直是每个管理者在经营管理上的重要目标。

    Therefore , having high quality of customer service and low Inventory Holding cost has always been every manager 's important goal in administration and management .

  3. 在综合考虑门店和配送中心的运输成本、门店和配送中心各自的库存持有成本以及订货成本的基础上,建立系统年总成本模型。

    The total cost model of the system is given by considering transportation cost , holding costs and ordering cost .

  4. S公司是一家跨国集团的中国公司总部,存在库存持有成本高、周转率低、缺货成本高和呆滞品库存高等问题。

    S company is China headquarters of a multinational company and has problems including high Inventory Carrying Cost , low turnover rate , high stock out cost and high excess stock .

  5. 并且在需求、库存持有成本、缺货成本、利息率、缺陷率均为模糊数的情况下,建立了实现企业成本最小化的经济订货批量模型。

    And with the demand , inventory holding costs , defect costs , interest rate , and defect rate are fuzzy numbers , a fuzzy EOQ model was established to achieve the minimum cost .

  6. 以单位库存持有成本和单位缺货成本的比值M为拉格朗日系数,应用拉格朗日乘数法求解该模型,并应用边际理论说明了M的实际意义。

    Using the ratio of unit holding cost and cost per shortage occasion M as multiplier , Lagrange multiplier method is applied to solve the problem . The specific meaning of M is also given .

  7. 综合考虑了订货成本、库存持有成本、运输成本和建立分销点和分销中心的成本,并给出了基于遗传算法的模型求解步骤。

    The model synthetically considers ordering cost , inventory holding cost , transportation cost and cost of building distributing center . And finally it gives the solving process of the model based on genetic algorithm ( GA ) .

  8. 其次,用三角模糊数表示不确定的资金约束,用梯形模糊数表示不确定的存储空间约束,构建了模糊规划联合补货模型,目标函数为最小化订货成本、库存持有成本和运输成本。

    Secondly , a fuzzy programming model is designed to minimize the sum of order cost , inventory holding cost and transportation cost by using triangular fuzzy number to represent the fuzzy capital constraints and trapezoid fuzzy number to represent the fuzzy storage capacities constraints .

  9. 针对这种不足,在充分考虑中间产品流转过程中产生的库存持有成本、订货成本、订单处理成本和启动成本的基础上,研究了企业集团的转移定价决策问题。

    To solve this problem , this paper analyzes firm 's transfer pricing strategy on the basis of consideration of the inventory managing cost , namely , inventory holding cost , ordering cost , order processing cost and set-up cost , which occurs in the intermediate product transfer processes .

  10. 然而,增加燃料的库存虽然能保证发电企业的安全生产,但高额的库存持有成本无疑会增加发电企业的成本支出,减少资金的周转,从而影响发电企业的盈利能力。

    However , increasing the fuel inventory can guarantee the safety and production of electricity , but high inventory holding costs will undoubtedly increase the cost of power generation business spending , reduce the flow of funds , thus affecting the profitability of power generation companies .

  11. 由于需求的不确定性,服务备件的库存和提前期管理较为复杂,其安全库存量的设置需要在提高服务水平与降低库存持有成本间取得平衡。

    Due to uncertainty and non-predictability , the spare parts inventory and lead time management becomes relatively difficult , requiring a balance between enhancing service quality and reducing inventory cost .

  12. 库存管理基于两点考虑,一个是用户的服务水平,另一个则是订货成本与库存持有成本。

    Two points should be considered in inventory management , one is customer service level , the other is order processing cost and inventory keeping cost .