
  • 网络patchouli;patchouli oil;patchouli essential oil
  1. 品赏资质上乘的广藿香精油是每一个真心热爱芳香的爱好者必须拥有的体验,因为广藿香精油是所有的芳香精粹中最迷人的。

    Experiencing a high quality patchouli oil is something a true fragrance lover should undertake , because it is one of the most fascinating essences .

  2. 广藿香精油和广藿香酮对4龄菜粉蝶幼虫毒杀作用的LC50值分别为104.28和32.20μg.mL-1。

    The values of LC_ ( 50 ) of essential oil and pogostone against the fourth instar larvae of P.rapae were 104.28 and 32.20 μ g · mL ~ ( - 1 ) respectively .

  3. 19世纪,人们甚至将广藿香精油用做香水围巾上。

    In the nineteenth century patchouli is known to have been used to perfume paisley shawls .

  4. 两种植物精油能有效抑制食欲,那就是广藿香和乳香精油。

    Two essential oil can stop it which are Patchouli and frankincense .