
guǎng wēn xìng
  • eurythermic
广温性[guǎng wēn xìng]
  1. 俏裸口虫、大草履是水体中的广温性种类;其主体是广温性种类(56种),占浮游植物总种数的50%。

    The majority of which were eurythermal forms ( 56 species , accounting for 50 % of total phytoplankton species ) .

  2. 锯缘青蟹属肉食性、广盐、广温性海水经济甲壳动物,是我国东南沿海地区重要的海洋经济养殖蟹类。

    The mud crab Scylla serrata is a sarcophagi , eurythermal and euryhaline crustacean . It is of important economic values and mainly cultured along the coast of southern China .

  3. 而对于暖水性、温水性以及广温性鱼类而言,水温升高亦有可能对它们的生长、繁殖有不同程度的负面影响。

    As for the warm water fish , lukewarm water fish and all temperature fish , the rise in water temperature might have , to varying degrees , a negative impact on their growth and reproduction .