
  • 网络Guangzhou Baiyun International Airport
  1. 十年发展铸辉煌深化改革谱新篇&广州白云国际机场实现安全运行十周年

    10th Anniversary of Safe Operation of Guangzhou Baiyun International Airport

  2. 日前在广州白云国际机场,一名男子为使宠物龟顺利通过安检,竟试图把它藏在肯德基汉堡包里。

    A man tried to smuggle his pet turtle through security in Guangzhou Baiyun International Airport by hiding it in a KFC hamburger .

  3. 据《北京青年报》报道,在对一对老夫妻的行李进行常规X光检查时,广州白云国际机场的安检人员注意到里面有可移动的物体。

    According to the Beijing Youth Daily , security at southern Guangdong 's Baiyun International Airport noticed movement in an elderly couple 's luggage when they placed their bags through an x-ray machine .

  4. 广州白云国际机场噪声污染评价

    Noise Pollution Assessment of Baiyun International Airport , Guangzhou

  5. 延续与超越&广州白云国际机场扩建工程连接楼部分

    Continue and Surpass & The Expand Project of Connect Building in GuanZhou BaiYun International Airport

  6. 上周六在广州白云国际机场,安检员在一名韩国女乘客的行李内查获一瓶液体,将其拦下检查。

    A Korean woman was stopped at a security checkpoint at the Guangzhou Baiyun International Airport on Saturday after customs officers spotted a bottle of liquid in her luggage .

  7. 上周五的时候,中国国家质量监督检验检疫总局广东分局发现广州白云国际机场的一名乘客有发烧症状,随后于本周一,中国疾控中心确诊该乘客携带寨卡病毒。

    The AQSIQ 's Guangdong provincial branch found a passenger with fever at Guangzhou Baiyun International Airport on Friday before the patient was confirmed with Zika virus by the Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention on Monday .

  8. 拥有一批高素质的研发、生产、销售人员,毗邻广州市白云国际机场,交通便利。

    Has a number of highly qualified research and development , production , sales , adjacent to the Guangzhou Baiyun International Airport , and convenient transportation .

  9. 广州地铁、白云国际机场、广州火站东站等重点场所的无障碍设建设和改造已完成。

    The accessibility construction work of Guangzhou Metro , Baiyun International Airport , and Guangzhou East Station has been finished .

  10. 广州(新)白云国际机场旅客航站楼指廊钢结构制作

    The Steel Structure Manufacture of Passenger Terminal Board Aisle of Guangzhou New Baiyun International Airport