
  • 网络fantasy art;Arte Fantasy;visionary art
  1. 为《科幻研究协会评论》、《女性推想》、《馆藏建设》、《幻想艺术》、《中世纪女性主义论坛》等约十种出版物撰写书评。

    She reviews books for10 or so publications including the SFRA Review , FemSpec , Collection Building , JFA , and Medieval Feminist Forum , among others .

  2. 他很快就尝试运用立体派的画法,而且他的艺术开始反映抽象的、梦一般的特性,在这些画作中,现实事物、象征主义和幻想艺术失去其固有的界限。

    He was soon experimenting with cubism , and his art began to reflect an abstract dreamlike quality in which reality , symbolism and fantasy lost their boundaries .

  3. 他独特的音乐语言和富于幻想的艺术风格深受钢琴家及音乐爱好者的喜爱。

    His unique musical language and fanciful art style popular pianist and music lovers alike .

  4. 文学的审美追求与政治功利的现实需要互相掣肘,理论主体强烈的政治幻想与艺术直觉、逻辑思辨相互排斥。

    The aesthetical pursuit of literature and the utility needs conflict each other . And His political illusion and artistic intuition are mutually exclusive .

  5. 通过对国外先进的数字幻想插画艺术的发展现状考察,力求探索出一条适合我国国情的发展道路。

    Through to study the development of the foreign advanced digital fantasy illustration art , To do my best to explore the way of development which fit my countries conditions .

  6. 我们已经在幻想、彩绘和艺术中看到了这些。

    We have seen it in visions , and in paintings and in art .

  7. 演说名篇文学精品&《战争与未来之幻想》的语言艺术赏析

    A Famous Speech and Literary Masterpiece & Appreciation of the Language Art of A Vision of War and a Vision of the Future

  8. 其次分别从幻想世界的存在方式、幻想的表现方式和幻想的艺术形象三个方面归纳总结了大幻想文学丛书(中国卷)所呈现的一些相似的艺术特征。

    Secondly , generalize and summarize some similar Arts characters of the Series of Great Fantasy Literature ( Chinese Vision ) via existence of fantasy , expression of fantasy and Art image of fantasy .