
  • 网络fantasy literature;fantastic literature
  1. (二)时间的魔力在幻想文学中是不言而喻的。

    In fantasy literature , the magic power of time is without saying .

  2. 幻想文学中的人性探秘

    Exploration of the Human Nature in Fantasy Literature

  3. 幻想文学与写实性文学的审美指向有很大的不同。

    The tastes of fancy literature and realistic literature are quite different .

  4. 幻想文学与人性思考

    Fancy Literature and Humanity

  5. 女妖是幻想文学中常出现的形象之一,透过这一形象,可以揭示出其所承载的文化内涵。

    Seeing the image of witch , which often appears in literature , may find some culture connotation indicated .

  6. 特别是童话、科幻研究都有一定理论突破,而幻想文学等热点现象的讨论,则有力地激活了儿童文学的创作与理论建设。

    And the discussion on noticeable phenomena such as the fantasy has strongly animated the creation and theory construction of Chinese children ′ s literature .

  7. 中国当代幻想文学至今尚无完整的概念界定,从理论支撑上严重制约了这一文学体式的进一步发展与成熟。

    Contemporary fanciful literature in China has not yet completely definition , therefore seriously constraint further development and mature of literature system from the theories .

  8. 商业化与纯文学化的创作争刚开始,幻想文学颠覆童话的争执再度升级。

    However , the moment the dispute between industrialization and literary creative theory starts , the dispute over illusive literature overturns fairy tales becomes much more serious .

  9. 揭示了幻想文学的人性探秘,对一种新文体做了诠释,有助于对人格、人性的了解。

    This paper discusses the nature of human beings in fantasy literature , illustrates this new style and is helpful for readers to understand the human nature .

  10. 第二章在时间和空间基础上对幻想文学进行了分类,并指出怀特的三部作品虽以幻想的形式出现,但却有别于其它的幻想文学作品,因为两个世界之间没有时空差异。

    It also points out the three works of E.B.White appear in form of fantasy , but are different from other fantasies , because his secondary world shared the same time and space .

  11. 第三部分论述了博尔赫斯作为幻想文学大师,在其作品中怎样用匕首意象连接自己的现实与梦幻以及一真一幻两个自我的。

    The third part discusses how Borges , as a master of fancy novel , uses the images of dagger to connect the reality with illusion , the real self with illusory self .

  12. 在此基础上,尽量确定较为合理的中国幻想文学的概念,考察它内部的分类和这一题材在现代社会里的功能,对其创作和研究情况进行总结。

    On this basis , try to determine reasonable concept of fantasy literature in China , investigate the internal classification and the function of this theme in the modern society , summarize the creation and research situation .

  13. 尽管麦克唐纳不能算是幻想文学作家,但是他对幻想文学作家甚至整个幻想文学的影响都不能被人们所忽略。

    Although it is true that MacDonald is far away from the fantastic writers , he has great influence on the following the writers even the genre of fantastic literature , which can not be ignored by people .

  14. 中国古代文学早已有幻想文学的因素,从《山海经》到明清神魔小说,构成了的古代幻想文学的发展脉络。

    Classic Chinese literature has already have the element of fantasy literature , from the Classic of Mountains and Rivers to the god evil spirit novel of the Ming and qing dynasties , outlining the skeleton of the ancient fantasy literary .

  15. 认为尽管科幻小说产生于近代科技,但它与古代传统幻想文学之间,并非没有联系。不过,受传统文化意识的制约,中国古代幻想文学并没有直接导向现代科幻小说的产生。

    The author denies its connection with ancient fantasy literature despite of its origins in the modern technology and , confined by the traditional definition of culture , Chinese ancient fantasy literature failed to have any direct impact on modern science fiction .

  16. 第四部分是对幻想儿童文学作品的基本故事模式及结构特点的分析。

    The fourth part is to analyse the basic story mode and structional characteristic of fantasy children literature .

  17. 但是,弗吉尼亚?伍尔夫是?位既有现实主义精神又富于诗意的小说家;同时,她既是讽刺作家和社会评论家又是充满幻想的文学评论家。

    But Virginia Woolf was a realistic as well as a poetic novelist , a satirist and social critic as well as a visionary literary critic .

  18. 人们花钱以及休闲的方式是否得当,所有人都有权表达自己在这一问题上的观点&不过在我看来,相比起对人们进行说教,幻想类文学作品是更为适宜的消费及休闲方式。

    We are all entitled to our opinions on how well or badly citizens spend their income and leisure – although in my view that is better done through imaginative literature than by lecturing people .

  19. 应放弃此类理论幻想,追求文学研究的多样与灵活。

    We should give up this phantasy of theory and carry on various and lively research on literary history .

  20. 认为科幻小说是科学与幻想相结合的文学产物。

    The author regards science fiction as a result of combining science and fiction .

  21. 幻想是少年的文学。

    Fantasy is literature for teenagers .

  22. 小说将现实与幻想融和于一体,是一部幻想性的儿童文学作品。

    It was a children literature work , which has fantastic property melting with reality and fantasy .

  23. 其次分别从幻想世界的存在方式、幻想的表现方式和幻想的艺术形象三个方面归纳总结了大幻想文学丛书(中国卷)所呈现的一些相似的艺术特征。

    Secondly , generalize and summarize some similar Arts characters of the Series of Great Fantasy Literature ( Chinese Vision ) via existence of fantasy , expression of fantasy and Art image of fantasy .