
  • 网络And represents;join representation
  1. 他感到内疚并表示歉意。

    He felt suitably chastened and apologized .

  2. 总计有12所大学参与EDX,它提供结业证书,并表示计划在明年继续扩大规模,包括增加国际学校。

    In all , 12 universities participate in EdX , which offers certificates for course completion and has said that it plans to continue to expand next year , including adding international schools .

  3. 英国政府否认了这一说法,并表示问题过于复杂而不应草率解决。

    The government denied that and said the situation was too complex to rush into hasty2 solutions .

  4. 债信评级机构标准普尔(StandardPoor's)将其对通用汽车的信用评级前景从稳定调降为负面,并表示通用当前的投资级评级“岌岌可危”。

    Standard Poor 's rating agency revised its outlook for GM 's credit from stable to negative , and said the present investment-grade rating was " tenuous " .

  5. 10月份,日产发布了聆风(Leaf)车型的自驾原型款,并表示该车将于2015年上市。

    In October , Nissan revealed a self-driving prototype of its leaf that the car maker says could hit the market by 2015 .

  6. 欧盟委员会证实,已收到option要求结束调查的请求,并表示正在研究相关影响。

    The Commission confirmed it had received a request from option to close the investigations , and said it was examining the implications .

  7. 爱尔兰对自己的国家税收政策进行了辩护,并表示,倘若欧盟委员会的裁定不利于自己,就将立即向欧洲法院(EuropeanCourtofJustice)提起上诉。

    Ireland defends its national tax policy and has said that it will appeal immediately to the European Court of Justice if the decision goes against it .

  8. 7月21日,欧元区宣布了对希腊的第二轮纾困方案,并表示希望IMF提供更多资金支持。

    On July 21 the eurozone announced its second rescue plan for Greece and said it wanted more money from the IMF .

  9. 它使用DTD将文档组织为可重用的模块(称为“主题(topics)”)并表示该主题的内容。

    It includes a DTD for organizing documents into reusable modules called " topics " and for expressing content within topics .

  10. 黄昆依然供职于Eos,并表示自己还是想当股票分析师。

    Huang is still working for Eos and says he still wants to be a stock analyst .

  11. 新加坡交易所(singaporeexchange)已预见到人民币在该国的使用范围将会扩大,并表示已做好了人民币计价证券的上市、交易、清算和结算的准备。

    The Singapore Exchange , anticipating wider use of the Chinese currency in the city-state , has said it stands ready to list , trade , clear and settle securities denominated in Renminbi .

  12. 上周,奥巴马致信美国全国纺织品组织委员会(nationalcounciloftextileorganizations),指责中国进行“汇率操纵”,并表示,他已准备好实施紧急保护机制来保护美国的工作岗位。

    Last week , Mr Obama wrote to the National Council of Textile Organizations accusing China of " currency manipulation " and saying he was ready to implement emergency safeguard mechanisms to protect American jobs .

  13. 希望使用该服务的用户可以调用另一个API并表示,“我需要一个a.b.c.MyService服务,因此为我提供该服务的一个实例。”

    Users who want to consume that service can call another API and say ," I need a service of a.b.c.MyService , so go get me an instance of it . "

  14. 第二种可能是,伊朗政府将让伊朗退出《核不扩散条约》(nuclearnon-proliferationtreaty),并表示拥有核武器是避免遭受进一步攻击的唯一方式。

    The second is that the regime would take Iran out of the nuclear non-proliferation treaty , arguing nuclear weapons were the only way to avoid further onslaughts .

  15. JDPower最近调整了2009年中国乘用车销量的预测,从今年年初预测的580万辆,调高至700万辆,并表示可能进一步向上修正。

    JD Power recently revised its 2009 forecast for Chinese passenger car sales to 7m , from 5.8m at the beginning of the year and said a further upward revision was possible .

  16. 同一天,印度储备银行(reservebankofindia)将其通胀率预期调升至5%远高于3%的中期目标,并表示,该行已不再纯粹追求刺激经济。

    On the same day the Reserve Bank of India raised its inflation forecast to 5 per cent far higher than its medium-term 3 per cent goal and signalled that it is no longer in pure stimulatory mode .

  17. BP说,审判中的证据不支持该裁决,并表示法律上很清楚,要达到非常高的标准才能证明存在重大过失,本案并未达到那个标准。

    BP added that the ruling was not supported by the evidence at trial , and that the law is clear that proving gross negligence is a very high bar that was not met in this case .

  18. 他并表示镁光也计划开发自己的电荷捕获型(chargetrapflash(CTF))闪存技术,以取代现有的浮栅型(floating-gate)NAND闪存技术。

    He added that it also plans to develop its charge trap flash ( CTF ) technology , a replacement option for the current mainstream floating-gate NAND technology .

  19. TCL从5月份开始草拟欧洲业务的重组计划,并表示,将于10月份提出其新战略。

    TCL began drawing up a restructuring plan for the European business in May , and said it would present its new strategy in October .

  20. 布朗将本次g20峰会形容为一场协同“抗击全球经济衰退”行动的一部分,并表示“全球危机需要全球解决方案”。

    Mr Brown cast the G20 meeting as part of a co-ordinated " fight back against the global recession " and said the " global crisis requires a global solution " .

  21. 据NPR新闻的埃米莉·哈里斯报道,一个以色列和平组织反对这一举动并表示,这是自上世纪80年代以来最大规模的土地重新归类。

    NPR 's Emily Harris reports an Israeli peace group opposing the move says it 's the largest reclassification of land since 1980s .

  22. 瑞士钟表商斯沃琪集团(SwatchGroup)用自身业绩证明,有关中国奢侈品需求减弱的担忧是过虑了。该公司实现了25%的利润增幅,并表示下半年的前景看好。

    Swatch Group , the Swiss watchmaker , shrugged off concerns about slackening Chinese demand for luxury goods as it booked a 25 per cent rise in profits and said prospects for the second half were promising .

  23. 瑞士再保险(swissre)昨日公布,该集团在以波动性著称的再保险行业中取得更可持续和可预测利润的努力取得了进展,并表示自己没有受到次级抵押贷款证券危机的影响。

    Swiss Re yesterday reported progress in moving to more sustainable and predictable profits in its notoriously volatile industry , and said it had been unaffected by the crisis in the subprime mortgage securities .

  24. 德国总理默克尔(AngelaMerkel)对德国电视二台(ZDF)说,她对通用的无所作为感到遗憾,并表示迫切需要早作决定。

    Angela Merkel , Germany 's chancellor , told German television ZDF that she regretted GM 's inaction and said a decision was needed urgently .

  25. 一位公司负责人GingerHe对这次突变似乎很不以为然,并表示这是一次很好的机会,特区可以借此步入正轨,并重新将自己打造为一个旅游目的地和进出口贸易集散地。

    A company official , Ginger He , puts a brave face on things , arguing that the slump is a chance to rebrand the enclave as a wholesome tourist destination and import-export zone .

  26. 但总部位于伊利诺斯州OakBrook的麦当劳的管理人员称,这个定义是对麦当劳员工的贬低;并表示他们将要求词典的编辑对这一注释进行修改。

    But executives at Oak Brook , Ill . - based McDonald 's say the definition is demeaning to its workers and say they 'll ask dictionary editors to amend the definition .

  27. 不过,盖特纳指出,过去两年来中国贸易盈余占国内生产总值(GDP)的份额已降低大约一半,并表示美国对中国的出口在大幅增长。

    However , Mr Geithner argued that China 's trade surplus had fallen by around half as a share of its gross domestic product over the past two years , and said that US exports to China had been rising sharply .

  28. 国际货币基金组织(IMF)曾施加压力,迫使刚果修改相关条款。IMF昨日祝贺刚果政府作出修订,并表示该机构现在将启动程序,考虑为刚果安排一个新的援助计划。

    The International Monetary Fund , which had pressed Congo to adjust its terms , congratulated the government yesterday on making the revisions and said it would now begin the process of considering a new aid programme for the country .

  29. AIG继续削减向欧洲各银行提供的信用保险,将名义风险敞口降至不到2000亿美元,并表示预计不会为这些合约付费。

    The group continued to wind down the credit insurance it provided to European banks to less than $ 200bn in nominal exposure and said it did not expect to make payments on those contracts .

  30. Jat为庆贺儿子的诞生和幸存在村里举办了盛宴,并表示他将试着让妻子生出更多的孩子。

    But Jat celebrated the birth of the surviving son with a feast for villagers and said he will try for more children .