
  • 网络annual sunshine duration
  1. 纬度越高,年日照时数越长,土壤pH值越高,越不利于果实内杜仲胶的形成,果实含胶率越低;

    Higher latitude , more sunlight hours and higher pH value made against the formation of gutta-percha in seed that resulted in lower gum content .

  2. 使用Mann-Kendall法进行突变检测表明,商丘市年日照时数和各季节日照时数在1982年存在突变现象。

    By the abrupt change detecting with Mann-Kendall , the results showed that , the yearly and seasonal sunshine hours abruptly change in 1982 .

  3. 利用本模型和Citystar及其500m×500m网格的地理数据,计算湖南省年日照时数、年太阳总辐射。

    Calculating annual sunlight times and solar global radiation in Hunan province based on the model 、 Citystar GIS and its 500m × 500m grid geographical datum .

  4. 并分析了平均气温、平均最高气温、年日照时数、平均风速、平均相对湿度、年降水量、年蒸发量、海拔高度与ET0的相关性,各站ET0与平均相对湿度相关性最好;

    The correlations of average temperature , average maximum temperature , annual sunshine hours , average wind speed , average relative humidity , annual rainfall , annual evaporation and altitude with ET_0 were analyzed .

  5. 年日照时数(小时)

    Average annual Hours of Sunshine ( h )

  6. 年日照时数增加80.5小时;

    The sunlight time increased 80.5 hours .

  7. 年日照时数异常偏多出现在1963、1971年,但从未出现过异常偏少年。

    The annual sunshine hours were extremely excessive in1963 or1971 , but never extremely deficient .

  8. 结果表明:塔里木盆地年日照时数随纬度、经度的增加而增大,其分布特征为:由东北向西南递减;

    Results indicate that the annual sunshine hours in the Basin increases with increase of longitude and latitude .

  9. 山西省近50年日照时数变化趋势分析

    Change trends of sunshine duration over the 50 Years from 1959 to 2008 in Shanxi province , China

  10. 在此基础上,应用统计学导出的极值分布概率模式,对塔里木盆地年日照时数极值进行了推算。

    In light with the model , the sunshine hour extremes of the Basin were calculated by applying extreme distribution propability model derived according to statistics .

  11. 结果表明:日照时数呈减少趋势,年日照时数的减少幅度为99.72h/10a,其中又以夏、秋季减少最快;

    The results show : sunshine hours has greatly decreased in the recent 40 years , with the breadth of 99.72 h / 10 a and decreased fastest in summer and autumn ;

  12. 近年来,来华游客人数呈跃升趋势。山西省近50年日照时数变化趋势分析

    Recent years see a sharp increase in the number of visitors to China . Change trends of sunshine duration over the 50 Years from 1959 to 2008 in Shanxi province , China

  13. 同时还检测出内江市区域平均年日照时数在1980年发生突变,其后进入一个相对少日照时段。

    This kind of tendency appears mainly in winter and Summer Meantime , it was pointed out that the sudden change of sunshine hours occured in Neijiang in 1980 , and then there is a relative less hours period .

  14. 年平均日照时数也呈总体下降趋势,90年代下降最为显著。

    The annual mean sunshine duration had a decreasing trend too and the 1990s witnessed the most obvious change .

  15. 年平均日照时数总体呈下降趋势,但下降趋势不明显,日照时数的减少率为-9.2h。

    The annual sunshine duration is generally in a decrease trend but not so significant , and its decrease rate is-9.2 hours per decade .

  16. 平谷区属于温带大陆性季风气候,四季分明,年平均日照时数2555.3小时,总积温4611℃;

    In the continental monsoon climate area of temperate zone , Pinggu District has clear-cut four seasons , 2,555.3 annual average sunshine hours and4611 ℃ total accumulative temperature .

  17. 年、季日照时数减少与低云量增加关系密切,而冬季日照时数的减少还与水汽压的增加有关。

    Annual and seasonal sunshine hours decreased with the increasing of low level cloud amount , and the reduction of sunshine hours increased along with vapor pressure in winter .

  18. 全年平均气温17.5℃,平均相对湿度69.6%,年降水量1139毫米,年日照时数1762小时。

    The average annual temperature of 17.5 ℃, 69.6 % average relative humidity , annual precipitation 1139 mm , annual sunshine time is 1762 hours .

  19. 各气象因素之间相关分析发现年降水总量、年实测日照总时数、年平均实际日照强度与年平均气温高度相关(P<0.01)。

    However , it was found by the correlation analysis between factors that the whole year rainfall , sunshine time and mean annual sunshine intensity were strongly associated with the air temperature ( P < 0.01 ) .

  20. 年沙尘暴日数的多年变化特征与年日照时数有较大的相似性;

    The change of annual sandstorm days was similar to annual sunshine hours ;

  21. 指出本年度年平均气温偏高、年降水量正常略偏少,年日照时数偏少,气象灾害多,发生频繁,气候条件对农业生产有利有弊。

    The temperature is a lightly higher , the precipitation is a slightly less , the sunshine time is less and calamities are frequent , which possess advantages and disadvantages to agricultural production .

  22. 刺槐年生长量增长率与林龄和年积温成反比,与年日照时数和冬春季降雨量成正比。

    The annual growth rate is inversely proportional to the stand age and annual cumulative temperature , and is negative proportional to sunshine hours and rainfall during winter and spring .

  23. 结果单因素分析显示年平均气温、年平均气压、年降水总量、年平均相对湿度、年实测日照总时数对银屑病发病均具有显著影响(P<0.05)。

    Results Single factor analysis revealed that the annual incidence of psoriasis showed a significant negative correlation with the mean annual air temperature , atmospheric pressure , relative humidity and whole year rainfall , but a positive correlation with the whole year sunshine time ( P < 0.05 ) .