
  • 网络horizontal control survey;GPS;Plane Control Survey;Planimetric control survey
  1. GPS隧道平面控制测量中若干问题研究

    Study on some Problems about GPS Tunnel Horizontal Control Survey

  2. 建筑工程施工平面控制测量精度的确定和实现

    Determination and Realization of horizontal control survey precision for building engineering construction

  3. GPS直伸型隧道平面控制测量贯通精度可靠性标准

    Breakthrough precision and reliability criteria of GPS survey for straight tunnel

  4. 铁路长大隧道GPS洞外平面控制测量技术浅析

    Technology of GPS Plane Control Survey outside Long Railway Tunnels

  5. GPS在隧道平面控制测量中的应用与精度分析

    Application and Precision Analyses of GPS in the Tunnel Plane Control Measurement

  6. 用GPS快速静态定位进行短基线平面控制测量的试验

    Experiment on Horizontally Controlled Short Baseline Surveying Carried by Quick Static Positioning with GPS

  7. GPS技术虽然已广泛应用于隧道平面控制测量,并显示出极大的优越性。

    GPS technology has been widely used in the plane control survey of tunnels and has exhibited great advantages .

  8. GPS应用于高级平面控制测量时,通过低等级常规测量方式的符合检验对前期的GPS控制测量精度可能有所了解。

    Through according with checkout of low-class general survey manner , prophase GPS control survey precision is understood when GPS applying into high-class plane control .

  9. 浅谈广州市平面控制测量坐标系统的选取

    The Choice of Coordinate System for Guangzhou Plane Control Surveying

  10. 高速铁路平面控制测量的探讨

    Exploration for the Horizontal Control Survey in High Speed Railway

  11. 城市规划测量中平面控制测量精度分析

    Accuracy Analysis of Plane Control Surveying in Urban Planning Survey

  12. 铁路隧道平面控制测量技术

    The Technology of Horizontal Control Survey in Railway Tunnel

  13. 高速公路平面控制测量中的几个问题

    Several problems in the plane control survey of highway

  14. 河道平面控制测量初探

    A Study on the River Horizontal Control Surveys

  15. 长大隧道平面控制测量独立坐标系统选择方案探讨

    Selecting Proposals of the Independent Coordinate System for Long Tunnel 's Plane Control Survey

  16. 城镇地籍平面控制测量若干问题的探讨

    The discussion on some questions of the cadastral horizonal control survey in cities and towns

  17. 城市互通式立交平面控制测量

    E City Horizontal control surveying of interchange

  18. 淇河盘石头水库2导流洞工程平面控制测量

    Plane controlling measurement on the 2 # diversion culvert engineering of Pan Shi Tou Reservoir in Qi River

  19. 本文介绍了利用常规仪器、简易平差方法进行工程平面控制测量。

    This paper introduces the horizontal control survey of engineering was made by conventional instruments and handy adjustment methods .

  20. 研究目的:通过理论研究,对无碴轨道施工平面控制测量的主要技术标准提出适宜的建议。

    Research purposes : Through the theoretical research , this paper puts forward some suitable suggestions on the main technical standards of horizontal control survey for ballastless track construction .

  21. 研究结论:客运专线对无碴轨道铺设精度标准的较高要求,进而对施工平面控制测量技术标准要求也显著提高。

    Research conclusions : The passenger dedicated railway lines need higher precision standards on ballastless track laying , and then the technical standards of horizontal construction control survey should be enhanced .

  22. 本文根据电力工程测量实践,对利用测边网进行平面控制测量的可靠性和必要性进行了探讨,并对测边网的实际精度进行了分析。

    The reliability and requisite that the horizontal control surveying is established using trilateration network is studied according to the practice of electric power engineering surveying , and the actual precision is analyzed .

  23. 通过工程实例介绍了一种隧道洞内外平面控制测量设计和实施的方法,以及采用近似方法进行隧道横向贯通误差的估算,能有效保证隧道的贯通精度。

    The paper introduces a method of survey design and practice about tunnel via an engineering example , and adopts approximation to estimate the lateral error of tunnel . it can ensure the throughout accuracy ?

  24. 高速公路平面控制测量需要将控制点纳入国家高斯平面坐标系,由此不可避免地出现距离长度变形,并导致平面控制测量投影面与施工高程面分离。

    It is inevitable that the length distortion will happen when the control points are linked to the State Gauss Plane Coordinates System in the plane control surveying for speedways , by which the construction elevation plane would separated from the projection plane of control surveying .

  25. 特长隧道洞内平面施工控制测量技术探讨

    Discussion on Horizontal Control Survey for Construction of Extra-long Tunnel

  26. 隧道地表平面控制网测量误差对横向贯通精度影响值的计算和网的最优化设计

    Calculation of the lateral break-through error of tunnel caused by surveying errors of the horizontal control network and the optimization of this network

  27. 重庆市地籍平面与高程控制测量探讨

    Research on control measurement of cadastral plane and altitude in Chongqing

  28. 通过理论推导并结合实际应用,提出了对长大直线隧道洞内各期平面、高程控制测量资料进行联合处理的新方法。

    Combining theoretical derivation and practical application , the author raised a new method of combined processing of the data of both plane and elevation survey at each construction stage of long straight tunnels .

  29. 简要地介绍了中央广播电视塔结构和主体结构施工方法,较详细地介绍了施工测量控制方法的垂直测量控制、平面测量控制和标高测量控制方法。

    In this paper , the ways to construct main structure and frame of CCTV & CCBS transmission tower are briefly discussed , and the methods of vertical , plane and elevation measuring control in construction are introduced in detail .

  30. 通过探讨平面控制网的定位依据、平面控制网的测量、高程控制网的测量及定位测量方法,从而得出减少测量误差措施。

    By inquiring into basis on location of plane control net survey , the survey of plane control net , the survey of altitude control net and survey methods of location , the measures of reducing survey deviation have been drawn out .