
  • 网络Balancing area;neutral area
  1. 在汽液平衡区域对peng-Robinson立方型状态方程(PREOS)及其参数α(Tr)作了数学分析。

    An analysis was made on the Peng-Robinson cubic equation of state ( PR EOS ) and its pa-rameter a ( Tr ) in the vapor-liquid equilibrium region .

  2. 福建省水资源供需平衡区域差异分析

    Spatial Differentiation of Water Resources Supply and Demand Balance in Fujian Province

  3. 一种适用于有限差分模式的负载平衡区域分解方法

    A load balancing domain decomposition method for finite difference numerical weather prediction models

  4. 复合堵漏中平衡区域及其在新型堵漏仪中的应用

    Balance area of compound lost circulation control and its application in novel lost circulation simulator

  5. 鼓励研发资金与人力成本向弱势行业、地区倾斜,平衡区域研发结构平衡。

    Encourage R & D funding and manpower to vulnerable industries and regions , balancing their development .

  6. 缩小中东部差距,平衡区域经济发展,成为国家急需解决的问题。

    Narrowing the gap between central and east part and balancing regional economic development become a national urgent problem .

  7. 因此怎样最大限度的平衡区域间经济发展状况是各国家各省市应该重视起来的问题。

    So how to balance regional economic development between the national various provinces and cities should be the important thing .

  8. 它能够最大程度地平衡区域环境利益与环境公益的冲突,实现区域环境的综合规划。

    It can balance the conflict between the benefit of regional environment and environment public service , and it can achieve comprehensive planning of regional environment .

  9. 正是由于区域税收竞争极大地影响了区域经济发展,区域税收竞争变成一种平衡区域经济发展的手段。

    It is the regional tax competition that has greatly influenced the development of regional economy , and regional tax competition has become a means to balance regional economic development .

  10. 亚洲具有重要的战略地位,中国必须加强与亚洲的经贸关系,协调贸易关系,保持稳定的社会政治经济环境,拓展贸易领域,平衡区域贸易。

    In view of the importance trading with Asian countrys and regions , Chi - na should expand the trade real , balance district trade , and strengthen and harmonize the trading relationship .

  11. 它不利于发展对外贸易、引进外资、优化产业结构、平衡区域经济,也不利于税款的征收。实行消费型增值税已经是迫切的现实要求。

    Not only is the production-oriented VAT detrimental to the development of foreign trade , the optimization of the enterprises ' organization structures , the optimization of industrial structures , the balance of regional economy , the imposition of taxes .

  12. 政府财政转移支付制度是财政体制的重要组成部分,是调节各级政府财政收支、平衡区域经济差异的重要手段,它的主要目标是实现公共服务水平的均等化。

    The inter-governmental transfer system is a significant part of fiscal system . It is a key means to regulate the fiscal revenue and expenditure between governments of different levels and to reduce regional economic gaps . Its main goal is to achieve the equalization of public services .

  13. 多相体系的综合平衡优势区域图

    Overall equilibrium dominant region diagram for the polyphase system

  14. 基于碳平衡的区域土地利用结构优化&以吉林省通榆县为例

    Regional Land Use Structure Optimization based on Carbon Balance : A Case Study in Tongyu County , Jilin Province

  15. 结论这种方法较客观、科学地解决了旅游产业的宏观布局和发展顺序的战略问题,对发展不平衡的区域旅游开发,特别是经济比较落后的中西部地区具有较强的实用性。

    Conclusion The method can resolve the strategy of tourism development in certain region reasonably , especially in western China .

  16. 每个地方政府的经济发展都或多或少存在不平衡,区域发展上的互补是非常必要的。

    There is more or less in an imbalance of economic development of the local government , the complementary regional development is very necessary .

  17. 电信业不平衡的区域发展不利于中国电信业国际竞争力的提高,不利于发挥电信业对经济发展的基础辅助作用。

    The unbalanced regional development of Telecommunication industry is bad for the improvement of the international competitiveness and playing the telecommunication industry on the basis of the economic development .

  18. 当前国际贸易的特点是竞争激烈、方式多样、结构变化、经营复杂、发展不平衡和区域集团化。

    Features and trends of the current international trade are , intense in competition , various in forms , capricious in structure , complicated in management , imbalanced in development and regional in grouping .

  19. 测算结果表明甘肃城乡关系失衡度较高,无论城乡协调度还是空间组织度都呈现出极为不平衡的区域差异与发展态势。

    The calculated results show that the urban and rural relationship in Gansu is highly unbalanced , the urban and rural coordination and the spatial organization thereof demonstrate a great regional gap and an unbalanced developing trend .

  20. 但由于黑龙江省区域间的自然条件,经济环境不同,特别是对改革开放政策运用的程度不同而出现了发展上的不平衡,区域经济不能协调发展。

    But for the difference of nature condition , economy environment , especially opening degree between different regions , regional economy development could not be concordance . Undeniable , the significant achievement of our economy is related to reform and opening up .

  21. 阐述了外廊式建筑作为一种建筑类型,在历史发展过程中根据不同环境有不同的适应性表现,其繁荣景象的发生在世界范围内呈现不平衡的区域分布。

    The author elaborated on that veranda architecture as a building type was essentially a building principle existing in the psychology . And discussed that it has different adaptability under different environment with the historical development , and its prosperity in the world showing the regional distribution unbalanced .

  22. 设计了分段仿射控制器(PWA),在PWA近似模型期望闭环平衡点附近区域设计一个局部线性控制器,应用分段正定李雅普诺夫函数证明闭环系统在整个非线性域内稳定。

    A PWA controller is designed . A local linear controller is determined for the PWA approximate model in the region where the desired close-loop equilibrium point lies . Stability of the close-loop system in the whole domain of the nonlinearity is proved using a piecewise quadratic Lyapunov function principle .

  23. 定常系统平衡点吸引区域的估计

    The Estimation of Attraction Domain of Equilibrium Points of Autonomous Systems

  24. 水量平衡原理在区域供水计量中的应用

    Application of water balance principle to measurement of regional water supply

  25. 我国区域经济发展极不平衡,因此区域新型工业化的模式也不相同。

    The development of regional economy in our country is extremely unbalanced .

  26. 做好电力平衡工作促进区域经济发展

    Implementation of Power Demand Balance and Promoting Regional Economy Developement

  27. 江苏区域发展不平衡是中国区域发展不平衡的一个缩影。

    The disequilibria in Jiangsu province is a epitome of the disequilibria in China .

  28. 区域发展不平衡(或区域差距)问题就是其中之一。

    One of the problems is the unbalanced development among regions ( regional disparity ) .

  29. 长江流域农业区非点源氮的平衡变化及其区域性差异

    Budget Changes and District Diversity of Non-Point Source Nitrogen in Agricultural Fields in the Yangtze River Basin

  30. 土壤氮磷平衡在评价区域氮磷损失中的应用

    N and P Balances in Soil : A Tool for Assessing Agricultural N and P Losses in Regional Scale