
pínɡ hénɡ jiǎ shuō
  • balanced hypothesis
  1. 目前,COPD发病机制研究中除了气道炎症机制得到普遍认同外,近年来,蛋白酶/抗蛋白酶和氧化物/抗氧化物两个平衡假说引起了普遍关注。

    At present , the protease-antiprotease balance and the oxidant-antioxidant balance raised widespread attention , in addition to the pathogenesis mechanism of airway inflammation of COPD was generally accepted .

  2. 犏牛雄性不育的多基因遗传不平衡假说

    Polygenic Inheritance Unbalance Hypothesis About Sterility of the Male Yak cattle

  3. 目前就抗性代价的形成机制存在2种假说:资源限制假说和干扰代谢平衡假说。

    There were two hypotheses on the mechanism of resistance cost , resource limitation and disruption of metabolic equilibria .

  4. 根据犏牛雄性不育的研究结果,提出了犏牛雄性不育的多基因遗传不平衡假说。

    The polygenic inheritance unbalance hypothesis about male sterility of yak cattle is suggested on the base of the research results about male sterility of yak cattle .

  5. 叙述了4个主要蜜蜂性别决定机理的假说:即性位点假说、基因平衡假说、蜜蜂性别决定综合假说和性基因数量决定假说。

    The 4 hypotheses on honeybee sex determination : the complementary allele hypothesis , gene balance hypothesis , synthetic hypothesis , sex gene quantity hypothesis are described in this paper .

  6. 林县营养干预试验的结果证实了食管癌/贲门癌病因学的营养不平衡假说,为人类癌症和发展中国家的一些常见疾病提供预防的可能性。

    These studies confirmed the nutrition imbalance hypothesis in aetiology of the e-sophageal / gastric cardia cancers and provided the preventive possibility of human cancer and some commonly seen diseases in the developing countries .

  7. 该文综述了最近关于钙平衡失调假说的有关进展。

    The article reviews the advance about the calcium homeostasis imbalance hypothesis in recent year .

  8. 对地壳运动动力来源的新认识&密度平衡椭球体假说

    A New Understanding of the Source of Forces Causing Crustal Movement-Hypothesis of Density Equilibrium Ellipsoid

  9. 因此回转器和细胞松弛素D的实验证实了在地球上,平衡石的位置取决于作用方向相反的重力和肌动蛋白丝作用力的动态平衡的假说。

    The clinostat and / or cytochalasin experiments confirm the suggestion that on earth the position of statoliths depends on the balance of the gravitational force and the counteracting force mediated by actin filaments .