
  • 网络land leveling
  1. 平整土地是一项改进田间地面灌水质量的重要措施,作为世界上最先进的土地平整方式&激光平地技术已在欧美发达国家广泛应用。

    Land leveling is an important measure for improving the surface irrigation .

  2. 由于畦灌的地形必须比沟灌的平坦,因此,常常需要大面积平整土地。

    Extensive land leveling is often required because the topography must be smoother than for furrow irrigation .

  3. 他们11月份的工作主要是平整土地。

    In November their work centred round levelling fields .

  4. 在修路前,推土机先平整土地。

    The bulldozers grade the land before the road is built .

  5. 星期一,太子港。男人们为临时栖息地的设置平整土地。

    Men prepare ground for makeshift shelters Monday in Port-au-Prince .

  6. 用来是表面平滑的铲子。用铲子的背面平整土地.用来展开、抹平灰膏的铲子。

    A trowel used to spread and smooth plaster .

  7. 我们忙于平整土地,准备播种。

    We are busy preparing the land for sowing .

  8. 推广高精度平整土地技术,鼓励使用激光平整土地;

    Popularize high-accuracy field leveling techniques , encourage the use of laser field leveling .

  9. 在播种庄稼之前,先平整土地,清除杂草。

    Before sowing or planting crops , rough ground must be cleaned and weeds removed .

  10. 为了帮助平整土地,孩子的身体都摞到排子上。

    In order to level off the land , local people let children press on rafts .

  11. 把水放入几块畦田比放人许多灌水沟或垄沟花费的劳力要少,这就补偿了平整土地的费用。

    The cost of land leveling is offset by the low labor requirement for turning water into a few border rather than into many furrows or corrugations .

  12. 土壤水分含量随坡度增加而递减,因此,应采取等高种植或结合其它农艺措施平整土地。

    With the increase of the field ' slope , soil moisture contents reduced , it should take measures such as cultivation in equal line or in combination with other agricultural measures .

  13. 以激光扫描平面为参照面,控制箱控制液压系统,使推土机或拖拉机的平铲升高或降低,从而实现了自动化平整土地。

    According to the laser sweep horizontal plane the controller makes the shovel which mounted on the shovelling machine or the tractor raise or lower by means of the hydraulic control system . Therefor the land would be automatically levelled out .

  14. 这也意味着要挖许多小水渠和平整更多土地。

    This also meant many smaller ditches to be dug and more fields to be levelled .

  15. 干燥而凉爽的气候和那平整的土地,使得人畜容易在这里耕作。

    The dry bracing climate and the smoothness of the land make labor easy for men and beasts .

  16. 土地整理分为土地平整、土地开发、土地复垦和土地改善。

    The land arrangements divide into the land smooth , the land development , the land reclamation and the land improvement .

  17. 摘要土地平整工程是土地整理项目的核心内容。

    The land unknotting work is the core content of the loud consolidation and rehabilitation project .

  18. 本文对土地平整与其他土地整理工程的协调问题、土地平整应遵循的技术标准、土地平整的基本方法,特别是土地平整土方量的计算方法等土地平整工程的关键性问题,进行了初步分析。

    The pivotal problems in the land unknitting work , such as the coordination with other land consolidation and rehabilitation project , the technical standard , the basic method and the account of earthwork quantity of land unknitting , are discussed in this paper .

  19. 他做的第一件事就是平整了这片土地。

    The first thing he did was bulldoze the place .

  20. 用耙弄平(农地,土壤)用耙子打碎和平整(土壤或土地)

    To break up and level ( soil or land ) with a harrow .

  21. 土地平整工程规划设计就是为使平整后的土地具有更适合种植或者其他用途的需要而根据一定的条件、按照一定的标准所进行的土方挖填和调配的过程。

    Land levelling project designed for much suited for planting or other using by navvy work according to specific conditions and standards is the base of the project .