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  1. 动态轮廓线算法非一类旧颖的供解曲线演化的图像开割方式,具无良长经典图像开割算法所无法比拟的长处,未一订火平当用于医教图像的处放。

    The active contour model ( ACM ) is a novel method for the image segmentation and has shown its potential in the medical image processing with its unparalleled merits .

  2. 正常情况下,扳机和手柄齐平,但是当手柄竖起,按钮便会突起,随时准备发射。

    Normally , the trigger was flush with the handle , but when it was cocked , the button would stick out for immediate firing .

  3. 明亮而平和,而当你站在它面前时,

    It 's bright and peaceful , and when you stand up in front of it ,

  4. 因为这些水滴变平了,所以当光线照到它们时不会发散。

    Because the droplets are flattened , when light hits them , the light doesn 't scatter .

  5. 穿高跟鞋的时候另备一双平跟鞋,当你感到脚痛的时候正好可以换上。

    Wear high heels , but bring along a pair of flats to change into should your feet start screaming in pain .

  6. 他们缺乏从敌我实力消长中认清形势的平和心态。当现实与原则想象不符时,他们往往措手不及。

    They lacked placid mentality to recognize the situation and were unprepared for the situation that reality was inconsistent with their imagination .

  7. 很简单的咒语,施咒人将魔杖平放手心,当咒语词说出之后,魔杖会自动指向北方。

    A simple spell , performed with the wand laying flat on the open palm of the caster . When the words are spoken , the wand rotates to point north .

  8. 每次拉动手柄,真空显示钮(深蓝色)自动降低,直至完全平降即可。当建立真空时(动期间)要求是尽快降低压力。

    Pull out the air pump handle and pump it repeatedly until the vacuum indicator button goes completely down . When hogging ( during start-up ), the requirement is to lower the pressure as quickly as possible .