
  • 网络Mean time to repair;mttr;MTTR mean time to repair;MTTM
  1. Weibull分布系统平均维修时间分配

    The MTTR mean time to repair allocation for Weibull distribution system

  2. 通过自动检测和隔离故障,使系统或设备的平均维修时间(MTTR)显著减小,提高系统的可用性;

    Automatic Testing and Fault Isolation can make the MTTR of system be reduced , or enhance the availability of system .

  3. 最后根据分布模型计算得到该加工中心的故障间隔时间(MTBF)、平均维修时间(MTTF)、固有可用度A以及可靠度和失效率函数等可靠性指标。

    Finally obtain the mean time between failures ( MTBF ), mean time of repair failures ( MTTF ), inherent availability ( A ) as well as reliability index such as reliability and failure rate function according to the distribution model .

  4. 基于随机加权法的装备平均维修时间验证研究

    Study of Equipment MTTR on Random Weighted Method