- 网络mean-field approximation;mean field approximation

Under the mean-field approximation , the Josephson tunnelling of superconductor-grain-superconductor junction is analyzed in this paper by using the path-integral formulation .
Within the mean-field approximation , we discuss effects of the projection operator in the fermion-spin theory .
The ground-state properties of spin-1 / 2 quantum XY model are studied by the bond-operator mean-field approach .
In the mean field approximation theory , this phenomenon is described with NLS-typed equation .
In the mean field approximation , the model Ginzburg-Landau ( GL ) free energy is seperated into two one-dimensional GL free energy .
In nuclear physics , the mean field theory is an effective method to study the nu-clear many-body system .
We get the Energy spectrum of two component BEC by Green function technique and analyze superfluid-Mott insulator phase transition , and phase diagram by mean-field approach .
Moreover , we generalize the one-atom case to the N-atom case and use the mean field approximation to explore the quantum phase transition in this many body system . The phase di-agrams are obtained for cases with different numbers of atoms in single cavity .
In addition , incorporating the assumption that the strain in the inclusion is uniform into Hill ′ s interfacial condition can lead to Mori Tanaka average field approximation was discovered in this paper .
By decomposing the distribution function f lattice gauge system into the product of single link distribution functions , we obtained a mean field solution to the Fokker-Planck equation in Lattice Gauge Theories .
Due to the meson fluctuations , the Sarma phase which exists at mean field level is washed away , and the Bose-Einstein condensation region at low isospin density is highly suppressed .
The phase diagram for ~ 7Li atoms within a mean-field approximation is found to be composed of the superfluid and Mott-insulator phases as for bosonic atoms with a repulsive two-body interaction .
Using the Resonant Valence Bond ( RVB ) concept and the Schwinger-Boson Mean Field approximation , this paper investigates a two dimensional ( square lattice ) anisotropic Heisenberg antiferromagnet .
In this paper , these conditions were changed by the factor analysis in multi-variable statistics and a noisy ICA model was formed . The theory of Mean Field Approximation ( MFA ) in statistical physics was used to estimate the model parameters .
The specific heat coefficient and magnetization of the heavy electron metals in a nonzero magnetic field are calculated by using the slave boson mean field theory .
Firstly , the mean-field-like treatment of the Jordan-Wigner fermions for the isotropic XY model is discussed in detail . Then the consideration of Heisenberg model with Ising term in fermionic language is given separately .
Starting from a modified Kobayashi-McMillan hamiltonian , ( 1 ) phase diagrams of liquid crystals of long molecules are calculated in the mean field approximation ;
Lastly , we discuss the energy-band structure of ultracold atoms in optical lattice by means of Green function method and in addition , procure the superfluid-Mott phase transition condition in mean-field approximation which is in agreement with the result in the literature .
Two kinds of self-trapping are discussed through phase space analysis in the mean-field approximation : 1 ) The number of atoms oscillates near an equilibrium point in the phase space , while relative phase increases monotonously with time ( running-phase );
For Dirichlet-Dirichlet boundary conditions we have got the results in a mean-field approximative ( MFA ) . Although MFA is a very rough approximation , the theoretic predictions of Casimir pressure scaling function have the qualitative features of the experimental data .
Mean Field Approximation Model for Structural Phase Transitions in Chemisorption Systems
After mean field approximation , the partition function can be derived .
The mean field approximation is often used .
Mean-field approximation for soliton bag model
Under the mean-field approximation , the free-energy functional of binary mixtures of star-like polymers is derived .
Calculation of the Strong and Weak Coupling Crossover Points of Lattice Gauge Theory with Mean Field Approximation Method
A mean-field-like approximation is discussed and its predictions are compared with the exact numerical results for the model .
We propose a scheme utilizing mean-field approach to exhibits switch effect in a symmetrical Bose-Einstein condensates triple-well potential .
In the mean field approximation , the chain cooperativity is treated as the effective excluded volume potential energy .
The two-photon equation of state including dynamical Stark shift and relaxation parameters is obtained and studied under mean-field approximation .