
  1. 同时,拥有干部身份的退休教师既是学校的重要资源,也会影响学校的资源配置决策。

    Meanwhile , retired teachers owing cadre status are important resources of the school and will also affect resource allocation decisions .

  2. 受教育水平、技术职称、干部身份、职业和行业对收入的作用不断增强,回报率提升;而年资、政治面貌和单位性质对收入的作用急速下降甚至消失。

    It is also found that the impacts of education , professional rank , cadre status , occupation and industry on earnings increase . Contrarily , the effects of work seniority , party membership and sector rapidly decline and even disappear .

  3. 于是他们产生了更加强烈的被剥夺感,他们意识到干部身份对于收入和再分配的重要性:没有干部身份,就没有话语权和相应的社会地位与待遇。

    So they have a stronger " sense of deprivation " and realize the importance of the identity of cadres to income and redistribution . When there is no cadre status , there is no power of discourse and the corresponding social status and treatment .

  4. 农村村干部的身份变迁和身份追求

    Identity Transition and Identity Pursuit of Rural Cadres

  5. 国企改革使得转业到企业的这部分军转干部的干部身份被剥夺,他们由原来的政治精英转变成市场改革的失败者,伴随着干部身份失去的还有保障他们日常生活的一切待遇。

    State-owned enterprise reform caused the deprivation of demobilized cadres ' identity . They became losers in market reforms from the political elite , along with the loss of all benefits in their daily lives as cadres .

  6. 本论文以马烽创作的十七年农村题材短篇小说作为研究对象,探讨作为作家、农民、干部三重身份下的农村文学叙事。

    In this paper , created by Ma Feng , " Seventeen Years " theme short story as an object of study in rural areas to explore as a writer , peasants , and cadres in rural areas under the triple identity of literary narrative .

  7. 因此,本文对农村妇女如何进入村两委不予特别关注,而是把关注点放在农村妇女进入村两委获得村干部这一身份后,通过何种方式参与村庄事务的管理与决策的。

    Therefore , this study put particular emphasis on the mode that rural women participate in management and decision making of village affairs after they enter the village party branch and village committees , instead how they enter the village party branch and village committees .