
gān shè tú
  • interferogram;interference pattern;interference figure;fringe pattern
干涉图[gān shè tú]
  1. 适用于AppleII微机的干涉图处理软件算法

    An Algorithm of Interference Pattern Processing Based on Apple II Microcomputer

  2. 一维相移剪切干涉图的实时处理

    The real time processing on 1-dimension phase shifting shearing interference pattern

  3. SAR干涉图的静态小波域MAP法滤波

    SAR Interferogram MAP Filtering Based on Stationary Wavelet Transform

  4. 经验模态分解技术在SAR干涉图滤波中的应用

    A SAR Interferogram Filter Based on the Empirical Mode Decomposition Method

  5. SAR干涉图滤波与相位解缠算法比较研究

    Comparison among methods of filtering and phase unwrapping for SAR interferogram

  6. 基于信噪比门限判断和小波变换的SAR干涉图滤波法

    A SAR Interferogram Noise Reduction Algorithm Based on the SNR Threshold and Wavelet Transform

  7. 基于干涉图解析的被动式遥感FTIR分析

    Interpretation of Passive Remote Sensing FTIR Spectra Based on Interferogram

  8. 基于干涉图幅度和相位联合的双通道SAR地面慢动目标检测方法

    A Novel Dual-SAR Detecting Method Based on Joint metrics of Interferogram 's Magnitude and Phase for Slow Ground Moving Targets

  9. 基于PD算子的InSAR干涉图滤波研究

    InSAR Interferogram Filtering Based on PD Operator

  10. 高条纹率InSAR干涉图滤波方法的对比研究

    Study on filtering methods for InSAR interferogram of high fringe rate

  11. 一种基于条纹中心线的InSAR干涉图滤波方法

    InSAR Interferogram Filtering Based on the Center Lines of the Interference-stripes

  12. 基于Radon变换的横向剪切干涉图的自动检测技术

    The inspection technology of the displacement of shear on the lateral shearing interferometer based on Radon transform

  13. 小波-维纳组合滤波算法及其在InSAR干涉图去噪中的应用

    Wavelet-wiener combined filter and its application on InSAR interferogram

  14. 讨论了InSAR干涉图的滤波问题,提出了基于PD算子的干涉图滤波算法。

    InSAR interferogram filtering is discussed and a new filtering algorithm is presented based on the PD operator .

  15. InSAR干涉图的相位关系分析

    Analysis of Phase Relation for InSAR Interferometric Map

  16. 噪声的危害与控制INSAR干涉图滤波处理

    Phase noise filtering s in InSAR interferogram

  17. InSAR干涉图滤波方法研究

    Research on Filtering Methods of InSAR Interferogram

  18. InSAR相位干涉图中消除平地效应的改进算法

    An Improving Algorithm of Eliminating the Horizontal Ground Effect of Phase Interference Graph in InSAR Imaging

  19. 首次利用音圈驱动的相移器进行频域OCT的谱干涉图相位提取。

    The phase shifter driven by voice coil is firstly applied to extract the phase of spectral interferogram .

  20. 在InSAR方面做了尝试,实现了InSAR复图像的模拟和干涉图的模拟。

    Simulation of InSAR complex image and simulation of interferogram were implemented as the attempt in InSAR .

  21. 如何获取高质量的干涉图是INSAR技术的核心问题之一。

    One of core problems in INSAR technology is how to obtain the interferogram with high quality .

  22. INSAR干涉图的相位解模糊处理

    Phase Unwrapping of INSAR Interferogram

  23. InSAR的处理流程包括图像配准、干涉图生成、相位解缠、地理编码等步骤。

    The processing of InSAR technology consists of image registration , interferogram generation , phase unwrapping and geocoding .

  24. 基于信噪比的InSAR干涉图自适应滤波降低新干线集电系统噪声和车辆下部噪声对策

    A New Adaptive InSAR Interferogram Filter Based on SNR Countermeasures of Noise Reduction for Shinkansen Electric-Current Collecting System and Lower Parts of Cars

  25. 处理实验测得的人眼角膜干涉图,复原得波面等高线图,并求得Zernike多项式系数。

    Third , by reconstructing the laboratory detected Corneal Topography , the wavefront contour and the Zernike polynomials coefficients are achieved .

  26. 提出了采用InSAR图像对干涉图的距离向频谱的等效带宽,来判断是否需要对InSAR图像对作固定带宽的距离向预滤波处理。

    And the equivalent bandwidth of interferogram is suggested to determine whether the fixed-band filter for spatial decorrelation is needed by the InSAR images .

  27. 并用Zernike多项式拟合及数值迭代算法完成对人眼角膜面形仿真干涉图的复原;

    Second , making use of the Zernike polynomials fitting algorithm and numerical iterative computation , the simulation reconstruction of Corneal Topography is researched .

  28. 运用Abel变换和Saha方程,对全息干涉图进行数据处理,得到对激光与物质相互作用机理研究的有用参数。

    Using the Abel inversion and Saha equation the holographic interferogram are treated to yield parameters for Laser interactions with materials .

  29. 简要讨论了全息CT测量原理,理论上证明根据实时全息干涉图的强度分布测量待测物体折射率三维(3-D)变化的可行性;

    The principle of holographic CT measurement is introduced briefly , and the possibility of measuring the 3 dimension ( 3 D ) variation of the deflection index from the intensity distribution of the holographic interferogram is proved theoretically .

  30. 本文采用了新的光路,成功地摄制了Tig焊接电弧的形态图和激光全息干涉图,并附有一系列的电弧形态典型图象。

    In this paper , A series of pictures of typical Tig Welding arc shape and laser holographic interferogram have been taken successfully by means of a new optical path schema .