
  • 网络usual dose;common dose
  1. 结果低剂量和常用量两组2~4腰椎(L2~4)BMD较用药前均见有显著增加,分别为19%和17%(6个月)及19%和16%(12个月);

    Results Lumbar BMD values were significantly increased in low dose or common dose of alfacalcidol treated group , as at 6 month 1 9 % and 1 7 % respectively ; and 12 month 1 9 % and 1 6 % respectively .

  2. 结论常用量异烟肼对氯丙嗪血浓度无明显影响,亦未使精神症状加重,完全适用于伴肺结核的精神病人抗痨之用。

    Conclusion : The common dose of isoniazid has no obvious influence to the concentration of chlorpromazine and the psychiatric symptoms , so it seems that isoniazid can be adapted in antituberculotic treatment of psychotic patients complicated with pulmonary tuberculosis .

  3. 方法:使用Siemens1.5T超导MRI扫描机,对27例临床诊断Alzheimer型痴呆病人的左右侧海马结构、杏仁核、侧脑室颞角等体积进行定量测量,同时对病人进行临床常用量表的检查。

    Methods : Using Siemens 1.5T superconductive MRI scanning machine , volume measurements of the HF , AM and TH on oblique coronal sections were assessed for 27 cases of dementia of Alzheimer 's type . The patients were also administered various clinical scales .

  4. 本文介绍了低温辐射计原理、技术发展现状以及与照明工程中常用量值发光强度(SI基本单位坎德拉)、照度、亮度、光源色等主要量的关系。

    This paper presents the principle of Cryogenic radiometer , current status of development in cryogenic radiometer technique , its relation with the most commonly used quantities in illuminating engineering , such as luminous intensity ( candela , SI base unit ), illuminance , luminance and color of source .

  5. 脑卒中的康复评定&临床常用量表回顾

    Rehabilitation Assessment on Stroke & Review Clinical Usual Measuring Scale

  6. 临床常用量水平氨氯地平稳定动脉粥样硬化斑块的实验

    Amlodipine of commonly used clinical amount in stabilizing atherosclerotic plaque

  7. 常用量水槽的计算理论与试验研究

    Calculation theory and experimental study of water measuring trough on common use

  8. 常用量和单位使用错误解析

    An Interpretation of Misuse of Common Quantities and Units

  9. 常用量为每次一至两片,每日两次,早晚各服用一次。

    The usual dose is1-2 tables twice daily , taken night and morning .

  10. 本文对灌区现有的常用量水设备进行了总结,并指出了这些量水设备的优缺点及使用条件。

    This text carries on the brief introduction towards measuring water equipments and the condition of using .

  11. 第二章,态度量表的分类及常用量表的论述。

    Chapter two is about the classification of attitude and the introduction of attitude scale in common use .

  12. 糖尿病性周围神经病常用评分量表比较与研究

    Comparison and study of the different assessments for diabetic peripheral neuropathy

  13. 冶金类期刊中几个常用物理量及其单位的用法商榷

    Discussion on usage of some quantities and units in metallurgical periodicals

  14. 常用力学量传感器数值设计方法

    Numerical design method for common force transducers

  15. 目的探讨戊巴比妥钠常用麻醉剂量对分离培养成年大鼠心肌细胞的直接作用。

    Objective To investigate the direct effects of pentobarbital on isolation and culture of cardiomyocytes .

  16. 人们常用公尺量布。

    Cloth is often measured in meters .

  17. 出于数据的易收集和统计的原因,一般常用货运量代替物流量来做统计。

    Ease to data collection and statistical , commonly used cargo capacity to instead of Logistics to do statistics .

  18. 采用数值计算方法,分析常用力学量传感器的应力场分布;

    This paper adopts the numerical computational method to analyze the stress fields of common force transducer and employs CAD to obtain the optimum designs .

  19. 在大尺寸零件的测量方面,常用的量具有:大型卡尺、大型千分尺和大型千分杆。

    In the aspect of large size components ' measuring , the commonly used measuring instrument includes : Large-scale Caliper , large-scale micrometer and large-scale micro-poles .

  20. 针对某型飞机地面压力加油系统存在的常用加油量加油时间过长的问题,提出了一种新的系统优化设计方案。

    Aiming at the problem of long refueling time of normal refueling quantity for one aircraft ground pressure refueling system , a new system optimal design method was proposed .

  21. 综述了糖尿病病人生存质量研究的意义、糖尿病病人生存质量常用测量量表以及糖尿病病人生存质量评价及影响因素。

    It reviewed the significance of study on quality of life in diabetes mellitus patients , scales commonly used for measuring quality of life for diabetes mellitus , the evaluation and influencing factors of quality of life for diabetes mellitus .

  22. 关于新估计式的使用,对于M≥0.3,给出了常用样本量下估计式的简单的近似形式,对于M<0.3,给出了一个迭代算法,并提供了必要的数值表。

    For the practical application of the new estimate formulas , this paper presents simple approximate forms of the formulas with usual sample sizes for M ≥ 0.3 and an iteration algorithm with all necessary numerical tables for M < 0.3 .

  23. 目的:评价四种常用疼痛量表在我国患者手术后疼痛强度评估中应用的心理测量学特性及使用情况,为选用适合患者的疼痛强度评估工具提供客观依据。

    Objectives : The purposes of the study were to determine the psychometric properties and usability of four commonly used pain scales for the assessment of postoperative pain intensity in Chinese patients , and to provide reliable data for the selection of the right tools to assess pain intensity .

  24. 方法:采用常用神经心理学量表测定108例AD患者和100例正常对照组,临床痴呆评定量表(CDR)确定AD痴呆的严重程度。

    Methods : 108 AD patients and 100 normal controls were examined with neuropsychological tests and the dementia severity was determined with clinical dementia rating ( CDR ) .

  25. 脑性瘫痪儿童常用生存质量量表及其应用

    Measurements of Quality of Life for Children with Cerebral Palsy

  26. 常用噪声评价量的特点及运用

    Features and Application of Conventional Noise Rating

  27. 量表评定在精神科门诊的应用现状分析常用噪声评价量的特点及运用

    The state of rating scale in psychiatric clinic Features and Application of Conventional Noise Rating

  28. 就目前医学上常用的有关量进行了总结,并提出了观点。

    Often used expression method of solution concentration in medical was summarized in this paper .

  29. 综合实验,针对机械测试中常用的机械量确定实验内容。

    Comprehensive Experiment : determine the amount of experimental content which are commonly used for mechanical testing machine .

  30. 目的:探讨医学研究中方差分析常用的效应量&标准均数差的计算方法。

    AIM : To explore the standardized mean difference , the common effect size for ANOVA in medical research .