
  1. 加入低温流动性能改进剂生产的低凝柴油,在储存和使用过程中存在凝点、冷滤点反弹回升现象,因此对辽河原油的常压柴油、加氢裂化柴油进行了加剂研究。

    It is known that setting point and cold filter plugging point of low pour point diesel with cold flow promoter can reverse during the storage and use process . So adding cold flow promoter to atmospheric and hydrocracking diesel from Liaohe crude has been studied .

  2. 求出在焦化单炉运行时加氢精制装置的常压粗柴油(AGO)最大掺炼量为22t/h,轻柴油(LGO)产量为39t/h。

    In addition , it is solved that maximum AGO blending amount of the hydrofining unit is 22t / h and LGO output is 39t / h with a single coking heater running .

  3. 常压塔柴油凝点动态软测量模型的研究

    Dynamic Soft-sensor Model of Diesel Oil Solidifying Point on a Crude Distillation Unit

  4. 基于神经网络的常压塔柴油凝点软测量的研究与应用

    Research and Application of Soft Sensor of the Diesel Oil Solidifying Point Based on the Neural Network on a Crude Distillation Unit

  5. 常压直馏柴油碱洗乳化原因分析

    Reason Analysis of Emulsification in The Processing of Atmospheric Straight - run Diesel Fuel by Caustic Washing

  6. 常压汽油碱渣回用洗涤常压柴油

    Alkaline Residue of Straight Gasoline Used to Purify Gas Oil from CDU