
  • 网络Bretton Woods;the bretton woods system;Bretton Wood System;Bretton woods agreement
  1. 这些定义市场资本主义黄金时代的理念,是在1971年布雷顿森林体系(brettonwoodssystem)的固定汇率崩溃后所留下的真空上建立起来的。

    The ideas that defined the golden age of market capitalism were formed in the vacuum left by the collapse of the Bretton Woods system of fixed exchange rates in 1971 .

  2. 正当IMF在尼克松冲击(Nixonshock)终结布雷顿森林体系后找到新角色时,我们可能即将迎来一个新的IMF时代。

    Just as the IMF found a new role after the Nixon shock ended the Bretton Woods System , a new era for the Fund may be upon us .

  3. 那么,布雷顿森林体系II之后又将是什么呢?

    So what will follow Bretton Woods II ?

  4. 在某些方面,布雷顿森林体系ii理论似乎就像一个巨大的洗钱卡特尔。

    In some respects , Bretton Woods II appears like a giant money laundering cartel .

  5. 因此,从世界银行(worldbank)传来的消息是可喜的:成员国同意进行增资,让新兴国家在布雷顿森林体系的桌前稍微多拥有一点空间。

    So it is welcome that World Bank members have agreed a capital raise giving emerging countries a little more space at the Bretton Woods table .

  6. 布雷顿森林体系ii理论认为,这种状况既是人们希望看到的,也是可持续的。

    The Bretton Woods II theory says that this state of affairs is both desirable and sustainable .

  7. 不难想象,布雷顿森林体系ii可能将以一种无序的方式土崩瓦解。

    It is not difficult to imagine a situation in which Bretton Woods II could unravel in a disorderly fashion .

  8. 这都要求结束看似非常成功的布雷顿森林体系II。

    All of this would require an end to the Bretton Woods II system that has appeared to be so successful .

  9. 但这就表明布雷顿森林体系II理论无法再按照其应该运行的方式运行。

    However , that suggests that the Bretton Woods II system is no longer working the way it is supposed to work .

  10. 对全球其它地区来说,适合“布雷顿森林体系ii”的经济体似乎越来越少。

    For the rest of the world , the durability of the Bretton Woods II system seems to suit fewer and fewer economies .

  11. 但就像多数续集那样,布雷顿森林体系第二(BrettonWoodsII)也不可能达到接近原著的水准。

    But like most sequels , Bretton Woods II is not going to be nearly as good as the original .

  12. 我们尚未充分理解这个新时代,但公平地讲,这个新时代不太可能是布雷顿森林体系iii。

    We do not yet fully comprehend the new era , but it is fair to say that it is probably not going to be Bretton Woods III.

  13. 我们的政治领导人下月将在华盛顿召开布雷顿森林体系II(BrettonWoodsII)峰会。在过度沉迷于重塑资本主义之前,他们应当关注一下迫在眉睫的问题。

    Before our political leaders get too fancy remaking capitalism next month at the Bretton Woods II summit in Washington , they should attend to urgent business .

  14. 而且,这种风险越来越大,尤其是在“新布雷顿森林体系”(brettonwoodsii,指管理兑美元汇率的做法)建立后。

    The risks are also growing , particularly since the emergence of " Bretton Woods II " the practice of managing exchange rates against the dollar .

  15. 以积极的态度解决上述问题,并改革旧的布雷顿森林体系(BrettonWoods),就能够开创一种更加可行的世界格局。

    A positive resolution of these questions along with reform of the old Bretton Woods arrangements can usher in a more workable world structure .

  16. 事实证明,这种观点被称为“特里芬难题”(triffindilemma)具有先见之明:布雷顿森林体系于1971年崩溃。

    This view known as the " Triffin Dilemma " proved prescient : the Bretton Woods system fell in 1971 .

  17. 但上述条款源自上世纪40年代布雷顿森林体系(brettonwoods)下的全球固定汇率制度当时成立了国际货币基金组织对此进行管理。

    But that clause dated from the 1940s Bretton Woods system of fixed global exchange rates , which the IMF was set up to administer .

  18. 我猜测,对于透不过气来的欧洲领导人所宣扬的新布雷顿森林体系(BrettonWoods)的结果,一些读者可能会多一些怀疑。

    Some readers , I suspect , may be a little more sceptical about the outcome of what breathless European leaders have billed as the new Bretton Woods .

  19. 自从1971年布雷顿森林体系(BrettonWoods)之下的固定汇率制度崩溃以来,全球在协同经济方面所做的尝试中,最引人瞩目的一些举措都涉及稳定主要货币汇率。

    Since the Bretton Woods system of fixed exchange rates collapsed in 1971 , some of the most high-profile attempts at global co-ordination have involved trying to stabilise major currencies .

  20. 早在布雷顿森林体系的缺陷暴露之初,基金组织就于1969年创设了特别提款权(下称SDR),以缓解主权货币作为储备货币的内在风险。

    The IMF also created the SDR in1969 , when the defects of the Bretton Woods system initially emerged , to mitigate the inherent risks sovereign reserve currencies caused .

  21. 当前的国际货币体系,是二战后建立的布雷顿森林体系(brettonwoods)的遗赠,即各国货币与美元挂钩,而美元与黄金挂钩。

    The international monetary system is the remnant of the Bretton Woods system agreed after the Second World War , when currencies were pegged to the dollar and the dollar fixed to gold .

  22. 但适合美国的货币政策,非常不适用于中国以及几乎所有与非正式美元区(或者就像一些经济学家所称的布雷顿森林体系2(BrettonWoodsII)挂钩的其它国家。

    But the policy appropriate to the US is wildly inappropriate for China and indeed almost all the other countries tied together in the informal dollar zone or , as some economists call it , Bretton Woods II .

  23. 尽管在创建新布雷顿森林体系协定、以改革全球经济治理的呼声高涨之际,20国集团(g20)会议的召开非常仓促,但它仍可以发挥重要作用。

    Although the group of 20 gathering has been thrown together at short notice , amid inflated talk about constructing a new Bretton Woods Agreement to reform global economic governance , it can still play a valuable role .

  24. 但这一规则起草于布雷顿森林体系(BrettonWoods)下的全球固定汇率制度时期,在围绕货币公允价值估值存在巨大不确定性的今天,将极难实施。

    But that law , written at a time of the Bretton Woods global fixed exchange rate system , would be extremely hard to apply today given the huge uncertainties around estimates of fair value for currencies .

  25. 设立gleco还将解决更新布雷顿森林体系规则和机构的要求。

    The establishment of Gleco would also address the need to update the rules and institutions of Bretton Woods .

  26. 自布雷顿森林体系崩溃后,G-3汇率波动成为世界经济不稳定的一个重要原因。

    Since the collapse of Bretton woods system , G-3 exchange rate volatility has become one of the important reasons of the world economy instability .

  27. 在布雷顿森林体系瓦解之后,西方大国为应对上世纪70年代资本主义经济恶化,形成了G7机制,这一机制是以西方大国经济利益为轴心的单一治理模式。

    After the disintegration of Bretton Woods system , to deal with the depression of capitalistic economy in 1970s , the Western countries establish the system of G7 which is a unilateral mode and which focus on the economic interest of Western countries .

  28. 布雷顿森林体系中,黄金-美元成为国际货币制度的基础。

    Dollar got to be the foundation of international currency system .

  29. 致使旧的布雷顿森林体系宣告结束。

    This brought an end to the old Bretton Woods System .

  30. 布雷顿森林体系是美法支付矛盾产生的历史根源;

    Bretton Woods was the historical root of this conflict .