
  • 网络Market clearing;market-clearing;Clearing Market
  1. 提出了用相似性原理和BP神经网络来预测日前市场出清电价的新方法,该法尤其适用于只能获得有限原始数据的情况。

    In this paper , a new method to forecast the short-term market clearing prices based on analogous and BP neural network is presented .

  2. 优化得出的梯级水电站的最优运行方案以及市场出清价与实际情况相符。

    Scheduling and market clearing price Optimized accords with real situation .

  3. 给出了一个发电侧竞价模型中应用遗传算法与BP算法结合进行市场出清价预测的实例。

    This paper provides an example of bidding model to forecast market clear price using BP network optimized by GA.

  4. 建立了一个考虑发电商的单位成本、最高报价、低于和等于市场出清价格(MCP)竞价成功的两种可能性概率的不完全信息模型。

    An incomplete information model considering the unit cost and the maximum bidding price of power generation companies , the probabilities of winning below or on the margin was built .

  5. 它实际的作用是,阻止市场出清。

    It 's actually having the effect of not letting the markets clear .

  6. 成功人士的标签在时段末在线拍卖市场出清;

    LABEL OF THE SUCCESSFUL clearing online auctions ;

  7. 建立了发电商投标模型和市场出清模型,并提出了求解算法。

    Bidding model and market clearing model are designed and the algorithms are proposed .

  8. 机械产品的回收再造在时段末在线拍卖市场出清;

    The Genius Machine clearing online auctions ;

  9. 市场出清与经济增长&国民收入模型中一个结论的修补及其意义

    Market Clear - up and Economic Growth

  10. 因此此时市场出清,既没有余货也没有短缺。

    So that the market is cleared and there is no surplus and no shortage .

  11. 所有投资者在四个时刻自动满足市场出清均衡条件,建立模型等式。

    The model by means of the equilibrium condition of market of four juncture is found .

  12. 经典定价理论认为,市场出清价格应确定为市场优化问题的对偶解。

    A clearing price is directly obtained from the dual solution of market optimization in standard pricing .

  13. 结果表明,风电的加入导致常规机组实时出力减小,市场出清电价降低。

    The results showed that the real-time output of conventional units decrease , and the market clearing price reduced .

  14. 看这个过去的星期五下午的大规模的市场出清.它是一个明确的黄金卡特尔工作的范例。

    Note the huge sell-off late Friday afternoon . It is an unmistakable example of the gold cartel at work .

  15. 低需求弹性将导致市场出清价格高,市场运行效率低,经济效益分配不合理。

    This situation may greatly impact the market performance causing low efficiency , high prices and a disproportional allocation of surpluses .

  16. 第一种是劳动市场出清说,以古典经济学和新古典经济学一般均衡理论为代表。

    The first is labor market clearing theory which was . represented by classical economics and neoclassical economics general equilibrium theory .

  17. 但是由于均衡理论的逻辑立论是以市场出清为前提的,客观上存在着实验观察和逻辑批判的双重否定。

    But with settled market as the theoretical premise , the equilibrium theory can be proved objectively negative by experimental observation and logical criticism .

  18. 机组组合是改善传统电力系统运行经济性和电力市场出清的重要手段。

    Unit commitment is an important means to improve operational economic efficiency in traditional power systems and a critical market clearing tool of electricity market .

  19. 如果最低工资定得过高,就业规模就有可能低于市场出清工资水平时的就业规模。

    If the lowest wage is settled too high , the employment scale may be lower than the employment scale of the market wage level .

  20. 效率工资,就是企业或其他组织支付给员工的比市场出清水平高得多的工资以促使员工努力工作的一种激励薪酬制度。

    Efficiency wage is a kind of incentive compensation system which the enterprise or other organizations pay the employees much higher than the market clearing levels .

  21. 在这些条件下,一批新凯恩斯主义学者在信息不对称假设条件下坚持发展了凯恩斯主义的非市场出清假说,逐步形成了信贷市场的信贷配给理论。

    Some New - Keynesian developed the hypothesis of Keynesian non-clearing market that leaded to the theory of credit rationing on the premise of asymmetric information .

  22. 市场出清价具有非线性和多时间尺度的特性,而小波网络具有多分辨和非线性逼近的功能。

    The market clearing price ( MCP ) has the characters of nonlinear and multi-time scale , and wavelet network blends the merits of wavelet and network .

  23. 建立了线性移动自回归和人工神经网络模型,对次日96点市场出清价进行预测,进而得出基于市场出清价预测的报价策略。

    Based on all above , it presented the meanings of MCP and the forecasting methods , including the linear remove and auto-regression model and artificial neural network model .

  24. 为此,采用人工免疫系统优化小波网络各个参数,用优化后的小波网络来描述市场出清价的变化规律并对次日市场出清价进行预测。

    The artificial immune system is presented to optimize the parameters of wavelet network which can describe the change rules of MCP and predict MCP of the next day .

  25. 将其应用于电力市场出清价及价格钉的预测实例研究,与传统的支持向量机预测结果比较,三角旋回支持向量机具有更高的预测精度。

    Comparing to the results from traditional support vector machine for forecasting market clearing price and price spike in power market , the TGA-SVM manifests the more accurate forecasting results .

  26. 当效率工资的条件成立时,工资调整将存在粘性,均衡工资高于劳动力市场出清工资,且存在均衡失业。

    When these conditions meet , there will be stickiness in wages adjustment , equilibrium wages will be higher than that of clear labor market , and there will be equilibrium unemployment .

  27. 一方面采用准随机匹配的方式,使发电商无法得到其它发电商的成交价,也无法预测市场出清价,从而增加其达成共谋的难度。

    On the one hand , quasi-random matching methods make the power suppliers hard to get others ' prices and predict the market balanced price , and increase collusive difficulty among power suppliers .

  28. 本文通过建立一个带有理性预期的供给和需求模型,在市场出清的条件下,对此次的石油价格波动作出了一个初步的解释。

    In this paper , a model with rational expectation will be set up to explain the phenomenon , under the assumption of market clearing and the dynamic interaction between oil demand and oil supply .

  29. 研究还表明,市场出清价格在判断交易计划公平性时价值不大,而节点边际电价包含了关于电力交易的大量信息,应该成为电力市场信息披露中最重要的数据之一。

    Numeric studies also show that market clearing price is less valuable than nodal marginal price , which contains lots of electricity trade information and should be one of the most important parts of released information in electricity market .

  30. 政策无效主张是新古典宏观经济学的基本原理市场出清、理性预期和只有实际变量才至关重要应用到相当标准的宏观经济模型之中的结果。

    The proposition of invalidation of monetary policy is the result that principles of the new classical macroeconomics-market cleaning hypothesis , rational expectations hypothesis and only the practice variable being the most important-are used into the quite normal macroeconomics models .