
  • 网络Paris School of Economics
  1. 在巴黎经济学院(ParisSchoolofEconomics)草坪上享受阳光下的野餐本来会更惬意,但时间已太晚。

    A picnic in the sun on the lawn of the Paris School of Economics would have been better , but it 's too late .

  2. 巴黎经济学院的托马斯·皮凯迪,加州大学伯克利分校的伊曼纽尔·赛斯和麻省理工的斯蒂芬妮·斯坦特切娃在最新发表的论文中谈到,正是由于富人对税后利益最大化的需求导致对应税收入的调整,使得至今鲜有研究表明提高税率上限会造成任何深远影响。

    Thomas Piketty of the Paris School of Economics , Emmanuel Saez of the University of California , Berkeley , and Stefanie Stantcheva of MIT argue in a new paper that this is why few studies have been able to show any significant long-term effect from raising top tax rates .

  3. 曼海姆大学商学院有两个EMBA课程上榜(另一个是与法国巴黎高等经济商业学院合办的),但没有独立开办的EMBA课程,这在商学院当中是独一无二的。

    Mannheim is unique in offering two ranked joint-EMBA programmes ( the other with Essec Business School ) but no solo programme .

  4. 该校的一个学位课程是与中国同济大学(TongjiUniversity)合办的,另一个是与在法国和新加坡设有主校区的巴黎高等经济商业学院(Essec)合办的。

    One of the school 's degrees is run in collaboration with Tongji University in China , the other with Essec , which has main campuses in France and Singapore .