
  • 网络Buffett Rule
  1. 数周之后,在奥巴马提交给国会的预算案中,就包含了一项巴菲特规则(Buffettrule),意在使百万富翁的纳税额占收入之比高于美国中产阶级。

    A few weeks later a Buffett rule , requiring that millionaires pay higher taxes as a share of their incomes than middle-class Americans , featured in the budget plan the president sent to Congress .

  2. 该预算重申了白宫在个人纳税改革(即所谓的“巴菲特规则”,以投资家沃伦•巴菲特(WarrenBuffett)命名)问题上的根本原则:年收入达到或超过100万美元的个人,应至少缴纳30%的税率。译者:薛磊

    The budget reiterates the White House 's underlying principle for personal tax reform , the so-called " Buffett rule , " after investor Warren Buffett , that anyone with annual income of $ 1m or more should pay a minimum 30 per cent in tax .

  3. Tilson是一个叫做“爱国百万富翁”的团体的成员,他们支持巴菲特规则,这个规则也得到了他的办公室经理KelliAlires的支持。Tilson说:

    He is part of the group called " Patriotic Millionaires " who back the Buffet Rule with support from his office manager Kelli Alires .

  4. 别人还以为他会西装笔挺地进行经济政策的演说,然而他在4月10日发表的激动人心的演说中敦促国会通过“巴菲特规则”时,自始至终都是挽着袖子,裸露着前臂。

    One might expect him to deliver a speech on economic policy besuited . But for his barnburner on April 10th , during which he urged Congress to pass the Buffett rule , it was bare forearms start to finish .