
chā é
  • difference;balance;margin;shortfall;imbalance
差额 [chā é]
  • [difference;balance;margin] 与规定标准数或另一数相比,相差的数额

  • 差额过大,一时难补

  • 减少差额

差额[chā é]
  1. 学生领到的钱有不到一半是助学金,差额部分由贷款补足。

    Less than half of the money that students receive is in the form of grants , and loans have made up the difference

  2. 一些业主要求偿还降价率的差额和他们所支付的数目。

    Some have demanded compensation for the difference between the reduced rates and the amount they paid .

  3. 日本每年的贸易顺差额在1,000亿美元左右。

    Japan 's annual trade surplus is in the region of 100 billion dollars .

  4. 富兰克林在选举团投票中以449票比82票的差额胜出。

    Franklin had won with a plurality in electoral votes of 449 to 82 .

  5. 该国的电子产业今年取得了重大进步,平衡了贸易差额。

    The nation 's electronics industry made important strides this year to even up its balance of trade

  6. 进出口贸易差额依然很大。

    The trade gap between imports and exports remained high .

  7. 所有权原则、FDI利得与中美贸易差额

    Ownership-Based Principle , Real Payments of FDI and Balance of Sino-US Trade

  8. 惟一要考虑的是为child提供的分配空间与它的需求之间的差额。

    The only consideration you have to deal with is the difference between the supplied allocation for the child and its requirement .

  9. 在Facebook的IPO中,这个差额约为6300万股。

    For Facebook ( FB ) , the difference was about 63 million shares .

  10. 跟踪误差(trackingerror)是为了衡量指数基金的投资风险而提出的一个概念。一般而言,跟踪误差被定义为指数化投资组合与基准投资组合收益率之间的差额。

    Tracking error measures the investment risk of index fund , which is defined as yield difference between the index portfolio and the benchmark portfolio .

  11. 3.shortfalln.不足之量,差额合格年轻人才的短缺将很快出现。

    There will soon be a shortfall in supply of qualified young people .

  12. 创值,又被人们称为经济增加值(EVA),等于税后净营业利润与全部资本成本之间的差额。

    EVA ( Economic Value Added ) is the difference between after-tax profits and the capital costs .

  13. 研究方法是构建FDI的九个影响指标,并建立了FDI的预测模型,将FDI实际值与预测值的差额作为隐藏在FDI中的热钱。

    It builds nine index of FDI , sets up a prediction mode of FDI , and makes the gap of actual value and predicted value as the Hot Money hiding in FDI .

  14. 美国范德比尔特大学(VanderbiltUniversity)体育经济学家约翰o弗鲁曼表示:转会花销类似于国际贸易差额。比起收入较低的国内足球联赛,富有的联赛通常会引入更多人才。

    Transfer spending is analogous to the international balance of trade , where wealthy leagues usually import more talent than lower revenue domestic leagues , says John Vrooman , a Vanderbilt University sports economist .

  15. 内部收益率涵义浅析该方法存在失当之处,与差额现金流量内部收益率法和NPV法相矛盾。

    There are some problems with the LP method which contradicts the delta IRR ( Inner Rate of Return ) and NPV ( Net Present Value ) methods .

  16. 不过,在Ebay14.50美元的股价中,Skype最低和最高估值之间8亿美元的差额仅占62美分。

    Still , the $ 800m difference between the lowest and highest valuations for Skype would be only 62 cents on Ebay 's $ 14.50 share price .

  17. 关于第二点,摩根士丹利(morganstanley)的史蒂芬罗奇(stephenroach)主张,储蓄行为的不同决定了经常账户差额,而中国的盈余并不是美国总体赤字的决定因素。

    On the second point , Stephen Roach of Morgan Stanley has argued that differences in savings behaviour determine current account balances and the Chinese surplus cannot determine the US overall deficit .

  18. EVA就是税后营业利润减资金成本后的剩余回报,即税后的营业利润减去债务和权益资本的使用成本后的差额。

    The Economic Value Added ( EVA ) is a measure of surplus value created on an investment , namely the difference in amount after the NOPAT ( net operating profit after taxes ) subtract cost of capital .

  19. 另一方面,运用放映基金效率的DEA模型对样本基金进行了效率分析和差额变数分析,指出了基金运营中需要改进的方向。

    On the other hand , the efficiency of fund use screening DEA model for the efficient analysis of samples funds and variable variance analysis pointed out the need to improve the direction of the operation of the Funds .

  20. 在CRC层荷载应力和温度应力分析的基础上,得到了CRC板差额设计计算公式,提出了相应的CRC层厚度设计流程,从而简化了厚度设计过程。

    On the basis of the analysis of load stress and thermal stress of CRC layer , in this thesis it established calculating formula for design CRC thickness , and it proposed corresponding thickness design process of CRC layer .

  21. 投资者非常关注制造业的扩张和收缩,并以此作为衡量经济是否健康发展的重要指标.但是一个低的pmi经常会传导错误的信息,而新增订单量以及存货量的差额也是如此。

    Investors have focused on the expansion or contraction of manufacturing as a vital indicator of economic health . But a low PMI is often a false signal , as is the gap between new orders and inventories .

  22. 本文对韩国国内行政区域如市郡区等小地区的失业统计共同差额比进行推定的方法有联合推定量,Woolf推定量和Mantel-Haenszel推定量等。

    There are different kinds of methods to estimate the odds ratio for unemployment statistics in small areas , namely , the joint estimator , the Woolf estimator and the Mantel-Haenszel estimator .

  23. 在西班牙和爱尔兰,私人部门收支(即储蓄和投资)差额的变化接近GDP的17%,在美国和英国,这一比例分别为14%和10%。

    The shifts in the balances between private income and spending ( or savings and investment ), as a share of GDP , are close to 17 per cent of GDP in Spain and Ireland , 14 per cent in the US and 10 per cent in the UK .

  24. 中国和德国近两日公布了庞大的月度顺差数据;日本贸易账户在衰退期间曾向收支平衡靠拢,如今却再度恢复到危机前的状况:顺差额占到国内生产总值(GDP)的4%。

    China and Germany released large positive monthly balances in the past two days , while the Japanese trade account , which had slipped towards equilibrium during the last recession , is once again running at the pre-crisis rate of a positive 4 per cent of gross domestic product .

  25. 将旧路面补强的思想应用到新建路面上,提出以厚度差额补缺的方法进行CRC层厚度设计。

    The feasibility of the model is verified . ( 2 ) By applying the idea of old road strengthening to new pavements , it gives the method of thickness discrepant quota supplying to design the thickness of CRC layer in this thesis .

  26. 面板VAR模型的脉冲响应结果表明,当给非劳动力人口一个单位正冲击时,尽管对贸易差额的影响短期内会有波动,但是长期内将对贸易差额产生持续的削弱作用。

    The results of the impulse response function of a panel VAR model show that there are sustained weakening effects for the balance of the trade in the long run except for a fluctuation in the short run when a positive shock is given to the non-working population .

  27. 美国和日本在华直接投资与中美贸易差额的关系

    Relationship between US-China trade balance and US-Japanese direct investment in China

  28. 但两国在贸易繁荣的同时,中美贸易显现了许多问题,最令人关注的便是巨大的贸易差额。

    The huge trade deficit is given a lot of attention .

  29. 供给需求差额法的改进及其应用

    The Improvement of Supply - dem and Balance and Its Application

  30. 医疗机构固定资产及差额补助分析

    Analysis of the difference subsidy and fix asset in health Institutions