
yín hánɡ duì zhànɡ dān
  • bank statement;bank reconciliation statement
  1. 去年,德勤辞任东南融通(longtop)的审计师,指责其存在“极其严重的缺陷”,包括伪造银行对账单。

    Last year , Deloitte quit as auditor of Longtop after accusing the company of " very serious defects " , including faking its bank statements .

  2. 在另一起臭名昭著的案例中,中国软件集团东南融通(longtop)去年被审计师德勤(deloitte)指责存在“严重缺陷”,包括伪造银行对账单等,随后该公司被纳斯达克摘牌。

    In another notorious case , Longtop , a Chinese software company , delisted from Nasdaq last year after its auditor , Deloitte , accused the company of " very serious defects " , including faking its bank statements .

  3. 支票薄存根与我的银行对账单不相符合。

    The checkbook stubs don 't tally with my Bank statement .

  4. 我没有意识到我的银行对账单上的错误。

    The mistake no my bank statement escaped my notice .

  5. 杰:我来检查一下你的银行对账单。

    Jae : Let me take a look at your bank statement .

  6. 现金审计的绝大部分审计工作都从银行对账单开始。

    Most audit work on cash is done working from the bank statement .

  7. 只有10%的受访者能结算银行对账单。

    Only 10 % could balance a bank statement .

  8. 本次授课旨在教会学生如何签发支票与核对银行对账单。

    The students will practice the issuing of a check and learn how to reconcile a bank statement .

  9. 为了掩饰舞弊行为,参与舞弊的公司管理层们需要制作伪造的银行对账单并阻碍银行询证函审计程序。

    To cover up those frauds , the fraudsters need to generate fake bank statements and corrupt the confirmation process .

  10. 该恶意软件还能够根据情况对银行对账单做出实时修改。

    And the malware is making the decisions and alterations to the bank statement in real time , he says .

  11. 基于银行对账单和调整项目编制的7月3日银行往来调节表如下。

    The July 3 bank reconciliation for B company based on the bank statement and reconciling items is as follows .

  12. 确定存户记录的调整余额与银行对账单上的调整余额相等。

    Determine that the adjusted balance of the bank statement is equal to the adjusted balance in the depositor 's records .

  13. 您将负责会计涉及的各项工作,包括会计应付帐款,应收帐款,总帐,银行对账单和工资和月末等等。

    You will perform all aspects of accounting activities , including accounts payable , accounts receivable , general ledger , bank reconciliation and payroll and month-end activities .

  14. 纽曼随后又讲起了他本人令人难忘的战斗故事:他曾无意间看到一个秘书正在为他审计的某公司打银行对账单。

    Mr Newman subsequently picked up his own memorable war story when he stumbled across a secretary typing out bank statements for a company he was auditing .

  15. 用卡后,请妥善保管签单核发票等交易单据,以便与银行对账单核对。

    After each transaction , please retain all your credential receipts , including the sales slip and the invoice , to check them against your bank statement .

  16. 哈德森海湾公司补充道,“没有迹象”表明这次数据泄密波及其电子商务或其它数字平台,但他们劝告顾客检查一下银行对账单,在发现任何未经授权的付款时联系发卡行。

    Hudson 's Bay added there was " no indication " the breach affected its e-commerce or other digital platforms , but encouraged customers to review their bank account statements and contact card issuers of any unauthorized charges .

  17. 审计师通常从年底的银行对账单中摘抄数据,将它们填入一份单独的标准询证函(在审计师认为风险较低时他们并不一定需要执行此程序)。

    Auditors generally ( they are not required to do this if the risk is perceived to be low ), will take the year end balance from the bank statement and put it on a separate standard confirmation form .

  18. 互动:舒尔曼表示:随着母亲的能力越来越弱,你的参与度应该越来越高。舒尔曼会定期检查他母亲的银行对账单,尽管他母亲仍然独立地居住在另外一个州。

    Interact : ' As your mom gets less and less competent , you get more and more involved , ' says Mr. Schulman , who regularly reviews his mother 's account statements even though she still lives independently in another state .

  19. 尽管保护顾客是零售商的责任,但鉴于忙碌的交易高峰期即将到来,购物者也有责任每天核查银行对账单,并确保所有的数码设备都已完全更新。

    While it is the responsibility of retailers to protect customers , given the frenetic level of transactions that are about to take place the onus is also on the shopper to check bank statements daily and ensure all their digital devices are fully updated .

  20. 在他的监督下,这家瑞士银行对酒店账单加以严格限制,有时出差到伦敦的员工不得不寻求特殊豁免,原因是找不到规定价格的酒店房间。

    Under his watch , the Swiss bank imposed such strict limits on hotel bills that employees travelling to London sometimes had to seek special waivers because no rooms were available at the approved rates .

  21. 目前,英国银行在发送对账单时不附支票,因此,保存好每笔交易记录的支票存根或票根是明智的。

    Nowadays banks in the UK do not return your cheque with each statement , so it is advisable to keep a record of transactions on the counterfoil or stub .

  22. 张:刘小姐,您看,银行寄来之对账单中有一笔30000元人民币之支出和我们日记账对不上啊!

    Zhang : Look here , Ms Liu , I cannot find a30000-Yuan payout in the Journal , which is noted in the bank statement .

  23. 7月3日邮寄给银行的存款4美元,未列在银行对账单上。

    A deposit of $ 4 made after banking hours on July 3 does not appear in the bank statement .

  24. 银行手续费(借项通知单)1美元,未列在银行对账单上。

    Bank service charges ( debit memorandum ) of 1 was not included in the bank statement .

  25. 但是,银行询证函仍然是一个至关重要的程序,它证明了审计师取得的银行对账单上面的数字是正确的。

    But it is an important step , it verifies that the bank statement had the correct balance on it .

  26. 通过平时赠送礼品和在工作中的协助,CEO或许可以同一位地方银行官员建立起深厚的关系,这种关系给了他机会向那位官员索要虚假的银行对账单和询证函。

    Through regular gifts and business assistance the CEO might build strong guanxi with a local bank manager that would give him the opportunity to ask for fake statements and confirmations .