
chā jù
  • gap;disparity;remove
差距 [chā jù]
  • [gap;disparity] 事物之间相差的程度,也指距离某种标准的差别程度

  • 学先进,找差距

差距[chā jù]
  1. 两队之间的差距缩小到三分了。

    The gap between the two teams has narrowed to three points .

  2. 两支顶尖队的差距一直在缩小。

    The gap between the two top teams is closing all the time .

  3. 这些措施旨在缩小贫富差距。

    These measures are aimed at closing the gap between rich and poor .

  4. 我们需要设法缩小穷人和富人之间的健康差距。

    We need to try and narrow the health divide between rich and poor .

  5. 会面之后,争论的双方立场差距依然如故。

    After the meeting the two sides in the dispute were no closer together .

  6. 我们队以微弱差距屈居第二。

    Our team came a close second .

  7. 比赛结果的胜负双方差距极小。

    It was a very close finish .

  8. 这支队伍以微弱差距败北。

    The team lost narrowly .

  9. 她觉得很难与她相处,这可能是因为她们年龄上的差距。

    She found it difficult to get on with her , possibly because of the difference in their ages .

  10. 到1973年,这一差距已缩小到几乎为零。

    By 1973 , this gap had narrowed almost to vanishing point

  11. 繁荣的西部和贫穷的东部之间的差距仍然存在。

    The division between the prosperous west and the impoverished east remains .

  12. 皇家马德里队获胜,与领先的巴塞罗那队仍然保持着5分的差距。

    Real 's victory keeps them five points behind the pacesetters , Barcelona

  13. 英国需要弥合学术界和企业界之间的技术差距。

    Britain needs to bridge the technology gap between academia and industry .

  14. 社会上的贫富差距正在逐渐加大。

    Within society , there is a growing gulf between rich and poor .

  15. 两个地区的工资差距正在拉大。

    Wage differences in the two areas are widening

  16. 业余人士拍摄的视频片段和制作精良的好莱坞影片之间存在着巨大的差距。

    There 's a big difference between an amateur video and a slick Hollywood production

  17. 从那时起,他的两种职业之间的差距变得愈加明显。

    Since then , the contrast between his two careers has become even more pronounced .

  18. 欧盟最好和最差的儿童保育服务之间的差距扩大了。

    The gap between the best and poorest childcare provision in the European Union has widened

  19. 最新的民意测验显示这两大主要政党之间的差距已经缩小了。

    Most recent opinion polls suggest that the gap between the two main parties has narrowed

  20. 发达国家必须认识到世界范围内的贫富差距正在不断扩大。

    The developed nations have to recognize the growing gap between rich and poor around the world

  21. 他们6年前结婚时,年龄的差距似乎并不重要。

    When they had married , six years before , the difference in their ages had seemed unimportant .

  22. 他们以较大的差距败北,但支持者们还是给予了热烈的掌声,以示对对手的不服和对他们的忠诚。

    They had lost by a wide margin , but their supporters gave them a defiant , loyal ovation .

  23. 虽然富人和穷人之间一直差距悬殊,但这种不公在经济萧条期愈加显得令人难以接受。

    The stark contrast between the haves and have-nots has always existed but in a recession the injustices become more painful

  24. 对双方合作的问题,两位政治家各自所持的看法差距甚大。

    There was a wide gap between the views of the two statesmen on the bilateral cooperation .

  25. 它的目标是最大限度地扩大它们之间价值的差距。

    Its aim is to maximize the difference between their value .

  26. 我们应该期待全球化来弥补重大的经济差距。

    We should expect globalization to level off substantial economic differences .

  27. 经济差距正是欧洲债务危机的核心所在。

    These differences are at the heart of europe 's debt crisis .

  28. 在成绩面前找差距。

    After success , examine for shortcomings .

  29. 在此背景下,我国存在的由富差距拉大而引发的经济歧视问题就显得尤为敏感和突出。

    Under this background , the issue of economic discrimination caused by the gap between rich and poor is particularly sensitive and prominent in china .

  30. 但近来有迹象表明,差距有可能开始减小。

    Yet there are recent signs that the gap could be starting to shrink .