
  • 网络differentiated services;Differential Service;QoS;DiffServ
  1. 高校图书馆;差异化服务;教学;科研;深度;广度;

    University Library ; Differentiated Services ; Teaching ; Scientific Research ; Depth ; Width ;

  2. 中国互联网行业已经发展到了一定阶段,因此我们能找到足够多的人才和企业为用户提供差异化服务,这事实上将构成一个生态系统。

    The internet industry has grown to a certain stage in China that we can find enough talent and enough companies to provide differentiated services to users and that will actually constitute an ecosystem .

  3. 基于IPv6客户业务地址的差异化服务机制研究

    Research on Differentiated Service Mechanism Based on IPv6 Customer-Service Address

  4. 移动数据业务是3G运营商参与市场竞争的重要差异化服务之一。

    Mobile data services are one of the important differentiation advantages which the3G operators take to participate in the market competition in China .

  5. 通过为时延敏感型业务、带宽敏感型业务和最大努力交付业务数据流提供不同的选路机制,AMSR实现了这3类业务的差异化服务。

    AMSR achieves service differentiation by providing different routing mechanisms for delay-sensitive , bandwidth-sensitive and best-effort delivery applications .

  6. 然后,通过对广西JK律师事务所服务营销的现状及外部环境的分析,探讨其采用服务营销策略的可行性及差异化服务特点。

    Then , through to the Guangxi law firm JK service marketing status and the analysis of the external environment , to explore the feasibility of using the service marketing strategy and service differentiation characteristics .

  7. Kano模型基于用户感知划分的质量要素类别比纯粹的顾客物理属性更具有分类价值,为服务提供商的细分市场划分和针对性和差异化服务提供了一定的量化判断。

    Kano model has more value in classification of user perceived service quality elements than customer physical attributes , that it quantitative helps the determination of market segmentation and differentiated strategy .

  8. 如何对客户进行细分,为不同的客户提供适合他自己的差异化服务;

    How to make client classification and provide customized service to clients ;

  9. 公共图书馆差异化服务问题

    The Differentiated Service in Public Libraries

  10. 这种差异化服务的市场策略是运营商进一步精细化管理业务的一种方式。

    This differentiation strategy is to market operators further refinement of a way to manage the business .

  11. 本论文首先对电力市场细分及差异化服务进行了理论分析;

    At the first part of this paper , we have atheoretical analysis about customer and service classification .

  12. 这种特征是一种文化理念、风格和行为有机结合形式的差异化服务。

    The characteristics is reflected by a diverse service and embodied as a culture philosophy , style , and behavior .

  13. 实践证明,该系统可为供电企业的客户关系管理提供定量的决策依据,实现电力客户的个性化、差异化服务。

    The practice shows that the system can provide decisive reference for customer relationship management and realize individual and differential service for power customers .

  14. 最后,文章从组织架构、人员培训、业务保障、企业文化、广告宣传等方面对差异化服务的具体措施进行了阐述。

    Finally , the text explains the concrete measures of the difference service from organization , staff training , business ensurance , enterprise culture , advertising etc.

  15. 增值业务已经成为提供差异化服务、满足个性化需求、提升公司的品牌形象和大幅度提高公司利润的重要武器。

    The telecom value-added services are a good way to provide the difference-services , satisfy the individualized demand , promote the brand and improve the profit .

  16. 为实现提供差异化服务的目的,本文为山东高速的目标市场设计了产品、促销、人员、服务过程等营销策略组合。

    For achieving these goals , the author designs a set of marketing strategic combinations for SEC on Products , Promotion , Personal , Process and so on .

  17. 国产手机企业应提高技术研发能力、实施合作联盟战略、拓展国际市场、做好市场细分和差异化服务,才能实现可持续发展。

    China 's mobile phone enterprises should raise research and development ability , implement strategic alliance , develop international market , implement market segmentation and service and realize sustainable development .

  18. 文章中还论述了民营会展公司围绕着营销战略定位如何进行有效的市场细分及定位,品牌建设,渠道建设,以及以客户关系管理为中心确定有效的差异化服务策略。

    This essay also discusses privately managed exhibition companies how to do market location , to set up their own brand and mediums of market and formulate the strategy of different service focusing CRM .

  19. 但地区性客户服务中心仍处于客户关系维护阶段,客户分层服务不足,特别是针对中、高端客户的差异化服务有待推进。

    However , regional customer service center is still in the maintenance phase of customer relations , which cannot satisfy the different customers for their different needs . Services at different level are to be promoted .

  20. 面对客户的多样化、层次化、个性化需求,运营企业需要根据不同客户的个性化需求,为客户提供量身定制的差异化服务。

    In the face of the diversity of clients , level , the demand for personalized , the companies need to operate according to different needs of individual customers , providing customers with customized service differentiation .

  21. 如何有效合理的将虚拟资源分配给客户虚拟机是提高系统资源使用效率的关键,同时在高度竞争环境下可以提供差异化服务,保证系统服务质量。

    The key problem is how to allocate resource to each virtual machine ( VM ) reasonably and efficiently , offer differentiated services and assure the service quality at the same time in a highly competitive environment .

  22. 加强服务产品观念,重视服务的质量和提供差异化服务;重视新产品开发及产品组合策略,迎合市场开发出关联度高、技术含量高、可靠性高的产品来。

    Strengthen the service concept , improve quality of the service , diversity service , new product development and product combination must be emphasized to provide the market with high correlativity , high technology , high reliability product .

  23. 依据不同的用户群的特点,本文提出了针对不同的细分用户群制定营销方案和差异化服务策略,旨在提高网站转化率。最后是结论。

    Based on the characteristics of different user groups , different marketing campaigns and differentiated service strategies are also suggested for different user groups aimed at improving the website conversion rate . Finally , it is the conclusion of the article .

  24. 中国联通是我国电信市场上的主要竞争者,中国联通业务系统是中国联通与客户进行交互的具体途径,是向客户销售产品以及提供差异化服务的承载体。

    China Unicom is a major player on China telecommunication market . The business system of China Unicom is not only a practical communication channel between customers and China Unicom , but an entity to sell products and provide differential services to customers .

  25. 近些年来,我国不断实施多元化的金融发展战略,金融市场主体日益增多,竞争日趋激烈,产品同质化严重,商业银行真正意义上的差异化服务能力渐显不足。

    In recent years , with the diversified financial development strategy adopted by China , there are more players on the financial market , leading to more fierce competition . Severe product homogeneity makes that commercial banks actually cannot distinguish themselves with each other with differentiated services .

  26. 通过个性化信息推荐技术,为客户提供个性化的信息服务,这给CRM实施个性化和差异化的服务提供了新的思路。

    Providing the personalization information service for the customer through personalization recommendation technique , which provide new thoughts for the implement of CRM 's individual and different service .

  27. 服务延伸产品差异化:服务增强机制探讨&基于Hotelling地点模型框架内的理论分析

    Service-based Product Differentiation : one Mechanism of Service-enhancement

  28. 三大电信运营商之间竞争的焦点正从网络资源的竞争向差异化的服务竞争转变。3G综合业务的服务已成为现在乃至未来电信市场营销组合中举足轻重的要素。

    Competition between the three major telecommunication operators is the focus of competition for resources from the network services to competitive differentiation changes.3G service has been integrated business telecommunications market , now even the future of the decisive elements of the marketing mix .

  29. 在中间业务市场细分及定位的基础上,制定出建行鞍山市分行中间业务产品营销的4Ps战略,并针对银行产品为服务产品的特性,制定了包括服务模式差异化及服务质量管理策略。

    It also conduct positioning and choose the appropriate 4PS marketing strategy on the basis of market segmentation . Considering commercial bank 's characteristics of being a service industry , service marketing strategy which include tactics of service difference and service quality management are set up at the same time .

  30. 在前面分析、设计的基础上,实现了基于差异化销售服务策略的汽车销售管理系统。

    According the previous analysis and design , this paper implements based on variation sales service strategy automobile sale management system management system .