
  • 网络Giant Magnetoresistance Materials
  1. 巨磁电阻材料及器件在信息存储领域的应用

    Applications of Giant Magnetoresistance Materials and Devices in Information Storage and Sensors

  2. 巨磁电阻材料及其在电子元器件上的应用

    Giant Magnetoresistance Materials and Their Applications in Electronic Components

  3. 用内耗技术研究La(0.7)Pb(0.3)MnO3巨磁电阻材料

    Properties of La_0.7 Pb_0.3 MnO_3 Colossal Magnetoresistance Material Studied by the Internal Friction Technology

  4. 非双交换作用巨磁电阻材料FeCr(2-x)GaxS4的输运行为

    Transport behavior of non-double-exchange CMR material fecr_ ( 2-x ) ga_xs_4

  5. 巨磁电阻材料La(0.85)MnO3的低频内耗和电磁性能

    Low frequency internal friction and electromagnetic properties of colossal magnetoresistance material La_ ( 0.85 ) MnO_3

  6. 超巨磁电阻材料Pr(2/3)Sr(1/3)MnO3薄膜输运性质的研究

    Transport properties of colossal magnetoresistance of Pr_ ( 2 / 3 ) Sr_ ( 1 / 3 ) MnO_ 3 film

  7. 多层膜巨磁电阻材料;

    Multilayer giant magneto resistance material ;

  8. 这次内容包括:(1)多层膜巨磁电阻材料;

    The contents for 1998 ~ 1999 include : ( 1 ) multilayer giant magnetoresistance materials ;

  9. 介绍了巨磁电阻材料在高密度读出磁头、磁传感器、磁性随机存储器等领域的应用。

    This paper introduced the giant magnetoresistance materials and their applications to magnetoresistance sensors , read head for high density magnetic recording and magnetic random access memory .

  10. 综述了巨磁电阻材料的研究进展,总结了巨磁电阻材料各类体系的研究方法和研究特点,分析了其发展方向与研究趋势。

    The current status and recent progress in research on magnetoresistance materials are reviewed in this paper , especially research findings in various kinds of systems that possess GMR .

  11. 具有低饱和场、高灵敏度的自旋阀巨磁电阻材料,在磁记录读出磁头、随机存储器、磁传感器等方面具有重要的应用价值,已成为国内外研究热点。

    Spin valve with a low saturation field and high sensitivity has become the research hotspot due to its valuable application in magnetic record reading heads , magnetic random access memories .

  12. 以莫特绝缘体、高温超导、电荷密度波、巨磁电阻材料、重费米子体系等为代表的低维强关联体系一直是凝聚态物理领域最复杂的研究课题。

    Strongly correlated systems , such as , Mott insulator , High Tc superconductor , charge density wave , Giant Magneto Resistence and heavy fermions systems are always the most complicated task in condensed matter physics .

  13. 介绍了一种新型的磁性功能材料&巨磁电阻薄膜材料,并就它在巨磁电阻传感器、高密度磁记录读磁头以及巨磁电阻随机存储器等电子元器件上的应用作了一些论述。

    A review on the progress of giant magnetoresistance materials and their applications for giant magnetoresistance sensors , read head sensors for high density magnetic recording and MRAM is presented in this paper .

  14. 巨磁电阻(GMR)材料可应用于弱磁场高灵敏度磁传感器。

    Giant magnetoresistance ( GMR ) materials is applied to feebleness magnetic field sensor .

  15. 在概述隧道结巨磁电阻效应及其机理的基础上,综合介绍了多层薄膜结构、微颗粒膜结构和近年来出现的基于多晶隧道结结构的巨磁电阻效应及其相关材料的研究最新进展。

    The latest research progress on giant magnetoresistance materials with tunnel junctions , including the multi-layered films , nano-particulate films and polycrystalline bulk materials that have been developed in recent years , are reviewed on the basis of an overview of the tunnel junction magnetoresistance effect and its mechanism .