
  • 网络Like Water for Chocolate;Como Agua Para Chocolate;goodbye;Heart II Heart
  1. “情人节快乐,劳雷尔公主!你找到了神秘的巧克力情人。来看看这些情人节礼物吧!”卢说着打开了门。

    " Happy valentine 's day , Princess laurel ! You found your secret valentine , and here 's your Valentine surprise !" lou said and threw open the door .

  2. 人们经常在复活节吃巧克力,或者在情人节、万圣节和圣诞节等其他节日吃巧克力。

    People often eat chocolate at Easter , or during other festivals like Valentine 's Day , Halloween and Christmas .

  3. 巧克力和红酒是情人节最受欢迎的礼物,研究表明,这两件礼物也有益于心脏健康。

    Chocolates and red wine are popular gifts for lovers , and studies have suggested they are also good for the heart .

  4. 一些年轻人会给朋友送礼物,一些人会送巧克力给他们的情人或者他们喜欢的人。

    Lily : Some of the young people would send present to their friends , and some would send chocolate to lovers or someone they like .

  5. 情人节这天消费者将花更多钱用于购买鲜花、贺卡和巧克力,预计今年情人节的人均花费将接近200美元,比去年上涨8%。

    Consumers will be digging deeper into their pockets to buy flowers , gift cards and chocolates on Valentine 's Day with average spending expected to rise eight percent over last year to nearly $ 200 .