
  • 网络project cost;engineering cost management;Construction Cost Management
  1. 通过对国际上通行的三种工程造价管理模式的学习,借鉴其先进经验,探讨我国工程造价管理改革方向。

    Through learning three international construction cost management modes and referencing their advanced experience , the paper has given the reform direction of Chinese construction cost management .

  2. 主要对我国目前工程造价管理与计价模式的现状和如何推行工程量清单式计价方法以适应入世后的要求进行了论述和探讨。

    The present situation of the construction cost management and calculation model of projects in China and the pricing method of statement form to adapt to the situation after China entering WTR are discussed .

  3. WTO与中国建设工程造价管理

    The WTO and the Management of Construction Cost in China

  4. 公路工程造价管理如何面对WTO

    How to Face WTO for Highway Engineering Cost Control

  5. 适应WTO规则的工程造价管理模式探讨

    Discussion on a New Mode of Construction Cost Management Conforming to WTO Rules

  6. 加入WTO对公路工程造价管理的影响

    Influence of the management of highway engineering cost after acceding to the WTO

  7. WTO与我国工程造价管理模式的改革

    WTO and the cost management of engineering in China

  8. 加入WTO对中国建设工程造价管理产生了深刻的影响。

    China 's entry into the WTO has deep influence on the management of construction cost in China .

  9. 我国已加入WTO,这将对工程造价管理领域造成很大的影响与冲击。

    The joining in WTO of China will bring influences and impacts to the region of the project cost management .

  10. 我国加入WTO,开放建筑市场,对工程造价管理人才提出了更高的要求。

    China 's entry into WTO and its opening of the construction market make stiu , greater demands on the management talents in engineering cost .

  11. 我国已加入WTO,我国的工程造价管理将不得不遵循的国际惯例采用工程量清单计价模式。

    With China having been the member of WTO , the engineering cost management in our country will adopts the bill of quantities mode which is widely used in international bidding .

  12. 简要分析了WTO对工程造价管理的冲击与影响,提出了面对WTO的中国工程造价管理应该采取的对策。

    This paper analyzes the impact and impinges on engineering cost management after China 's entry into WTO , and presents some countermeasures that Chinese engineering cost management should take when facing WTO .

  13. 本文通过分析我国加入WTO后,对工程造价管理产生的影响及存在的差距,阐述了加入WTO后工程造价管理的应对措施。

    The thesis analyzes the impact and the difference on construction cost administration caused by China 's entry into WTO , points out the countermeasure need to be taken in the construction cost administration .

  14. 本文就主要针对我国目前工程造价管理的现状,提出采用模糊模式识别(FPR)结合神经网络(ANN)预测工程成本。

    The author proposes to use fuzzy pattern recognition combined with BP neural network for forecasting project cost in the current situation .

  15. 文章针对我国现行的工程造价管理现状,结合WTO的市场准入原则和国际经济合作活动规则,提出一些急需解决的问题的措施和对策。

    Aiming for the actuality of construction cost management in china , the article connecting the entrance principle of market at WTO and the activity rule of the international economic cooperation raises some measure and countermeasure of exigent settled problems .

  16. 在分析目前施工企业工程造价管理现状的基础上,阐述了加入WTO后施工企业工程造价管理改革措施中建立工程造价数据库及人才培训。

    Based on the current state of affairs of the engineering cost management of the construction enterprises , this article explains the engineering cost database and personnel training among the reform moves of the enginering cost management for the construction enterprises after China 's entry into WTO .

  17. 业主方在工程造价管理中应用项目管理理论是可行的和必要的。其次,结合GY项目的工程造价管理实例,并结合借鉴其他工程经验。进行工程造价管理的实践探索。

    It is feasible and necessary for the owner to use the theory in project management . Secondly , the exploration of project cost management is carried out by GY Project Construction Cost Management instance as the main line beside with cases in combination with other projects .

  18. 工程造价管理贯穿整个建筑工程过程。

    Project cost management runs through the whole construction project process .

  19. 构建现代工程造价管理体系的设想与建议

    Assumes & Advices for Setting up System for Modern Project-Cost Management

  20. 计划与市场经济体制下的公路工程造价管理

    Cost management of road project under planned economy and market economy

  21. 我国工程造价管理的历史沿革及发展策略

    Analysis of the History and Improvement Strategy of Project Cost Management

  22. 论电力施工企业的工程造价管理

    On Management of Construction Costs of the Electric Power Construction Company

  23. 水利工程造价管理的信息影响与分析

    Information Influence and Analysis of Water Conservancy Engineering Construction Cost Management

  24. 施工企业工程造价管理存在问题及分析

    An Analysis of Problems in Engineering Cost Administration of Construction Enterprises

  25. 认为建筑工程造价管理是项目管理的有机组成部分。

    Construction cost management is an integral part of project management .

  26. 浅谈投资决策阶段的工程造价管理

    A Brief Talk On Construction Cost Management In Investment Decision Phase

  27. 如何加强市场经济条件下工程造价管理

    Strengthening the management of construction costs under the market economic conditions

  28. 浅谈入世后的工程造价管理及应对措施

    Talking about Corresponding Measures of Construction Cost Management after WTO Entry

  29. 岩土工程造价管理问题讨论

    Discussion on Problems Relating to the Management of Geotechnical Engineering Budget

  30. 工程造价管理改革发展趋势研究

    Research for the developing tendency for construction cost management reform