
  • 网络Reporting;work report;Data
  1. 本篇论文分析了平安健康险有限公司运营部工作汇报的口译案例。这是平安各机构经理、代表人与中籍、外籍高管进行为期两天的座谈会的一系列会议之一。

    This paper is about the study of the interpretation case in Ping An Health insurance company , which is about the work report of PAH operational department in the meeting of a two-day seminar attended by branches ' managers , senior executives and expats .

  2. 工作汇报也不必浪费公司纸张油墨、不必担心老板脸色,一封邮件统统搞定。

    e-mailing work reports to your boss without worrying about getting punched in the face and saving printing resources for your company at the same time .

  3. 一个社团或学术团体等的工作汇报。

    Reports of the work of a society or learned body etc.

  4. 工作汇报电气自动化工程师和工厂维修主管;

    Report to electrical engineer and factory maintenance supervisor ;

  5. 他的工作汇报进行得很顺利。

    His presentation at work went really well .

  6. 新世纪图书馆事业发展的制高点&纪念《图书馆工作汇报提纲》二十年

    The Outline of Librarianship In New century

  7. 国土资源信息化工作汇报

    Report on Land and Resources Informatization

  8. 准备工作汇报

    Get Ready For Your Review

  9. 华中科技大学国家工科电工电子基础课程教学基地建设工作汇报

    Report on Construction of the National Electrical and Electronic Teaching Base of Huazhong University of Science and Technology

  10. 电工电子教学基地系列课程教学内容与课程体系改革与实践工作汇报

    Introduction to Reform and Practice on Teaching Contents and Architecture of the Series-Courses of Electrics and Electronics Teaching Base

  11. 当天下午,验收组全体成员听取了邳州市创建中国优秀旅游城市工作汇报会。

    That afternoon , the inspection group to listen to all the members of Pizhou City created excellent Chinese tourist city committee .

  12. 而且我有信心大家在阅读了下面的我一年来的工作汇报后,会对我一年来的工作作出积极的评价。

    Moreover , I have confidence that you will believe I can make it after you 've read my first year working report at the end of this document .

  13. 如果你要做一个短时间的演讲,那么试着通过练习控制你的演讲时间,尤其像5分钟工作汇报这样的事。

    If you have to give a presentation in a short period of time then try to practice your presentation against the clock . This is particularly true with something like the five minute job presentation .

  14. 在对话的开始,她须要做个口头的工作进展汇报。

    As the dialog starts , she is called upon to give a verbal report on the progress of the renovation .

  15. 迅速采取措施消除故障制定设备检修措施,作好恢复后的准备工作,汇报大班长,记录好故障情况。

    Take actions quickly to troubleshoot and develop repair measures ; get ready to operate after restoration , report situations to chief shift leader and record the failure ;

  16. 本文是2003年11月3日罗开云校长在教育部专家对云南民族大学本科教学工作水平评估汇报会上的汇报提纲。

    This is the summary evaluation report of the four-year college programs at Yunnan University for Nationalities by YUN President Luo Kai-yun to the experts of the Ministry of Education of China on November 3rd 2003 .

  17. 布什总统不断听取有关飓风救援和恢复工作的最新汇报。三年前因为布什政府对卡特里纳飓风反应迟缓而受到严厉指责。

    The president , who came under severe criticism three years ago for slow government response to Hurricane Katrina , is getting regular updates on storm rescue and recovery efforts .

  18. 保存和整理工作文档(如汇报材料、近期工作计划、日常警务纪录等),管理自己上传的文件,向系统管理员(派出所的所长和指导员)提交相关文件等。

    They can store and collate document ( such as the reporting materials , recent work plan , routine police records , etc. ), manage their own uploaded file , submit relevant documents to the system administrator ( police station directors and instructors ) .

  19. 在我的上一份工作中,我不得不每天向我的经理汇报我在做什么,我认为自己有很好的自律能力,所以每日工作汇报对我们双方而言都不是节约时间的最好方式。

    In my last job I had to report what I do to my manager on a daily basis . I think that I am very organized and self-supervised so daily report is not the best way of using the time of both .