
  • 网络Work-life;WORK AND LIFE
  1. 高级经理人把工作与生活的平衡作为择业的主要标准。

    Senior managers stipulated work-life balance as their main criterion when choosing jobs .

  2. 十分之七的员工表示很难保持工作与生活的平衡。

    Seven in ten workers say they struggle to maintain work-life balance .

  3. 反复要求进行实验窒相关检查验证,怀疑或坚信感染HIV,影响正常工作与生活;

    Patients repeatedly demanded HIV / AIDS related laboratory tests , suspected or believed in HIV-1 infection with daily life affected ;

  4. 本周早些时候,我们讨论了韦尔奇(JackWelch)关于工作与生活平衡的观点。

    Earlier this week , we discussed Jack Welch 's views on work-life balance .

  5. 随着RFID技术的快速发展,其应用领域已经扩展到了人们工作与生活的各个领域。

    As fast development of RFID technology , its applications have covered various fields in our daily work and life .

  6. 经常写有关工作与生活的博客、曾在招聘和保险行当做过个人助理的路易斯•马修斯(LouiseMatthews)认为,如今中年危机开始得更早了。

    Louise Matthews , a work and lifestyle blogger and former personal assistant in recruitment and insurance , believes that the midlife crisis is beginning earlier these days .

  7. ParkHee-jung是寻求工作与生活平衡的较年轻一代韩国人中的一员,但就连他通常也休不完年假的一半。

    Mr Park is one of the country 's younger generation seeking a work-life balance but even he usually takes up less than half of his allotted annual holidays .

  8. 遵循这种迷信并非是最有利于平衡工作与生活的事;对我来说,这意味着儿子出生后,有更多的时候,我得睡眼惺忪地半夜跑到Babies-R-Us和Target商店去买婴儿用品。

    Following this superstition wasn 't exactly the most juggle-friendly thing to do ; it meant more sleepy late-night trips to Babies-R-Us and Target to buy gear after our son was born .

  9. 经常写有关工作与生活的博客、曾在招聘和保险行当做过个人助理的路易斯•马修斯(LouiseMatthews)认为,“如今中年危机开始得更早了”。

    Louise Matthews , a work and lifestyle blogger and former personal assistant in recruitment and insurance , believes that the " midlife crisis is beginning earlier these days . "

  10. 1930年,英国经济学家约翰•梅纳德•凯恩斯(JohnMaynardKeynes)从一个略微不同的角度来探讨工作与生活的平衡。他认为,工业生产率的提高最终会使英国人每周仅需工作15小时。

    The British economist , John Maynard Keynes , approaching the work-life balance from a slightly different angle in 1930 , argued that rising industrial productivity would result in Britons needing to work only 15 hours a week .

  11. 的人对工作与生活之间的平衡感到不满意。

    27 percent are dissatisfied with their work / life balance .

  12. 但假期的延长,揭示出某些有关工作与生活平衡方面的真相。

    But the extended holiday reveals some truths about work-life balance .

  13. 经合组织的数据显示,另一个重要的因素是工作与生活的平衡。

    The OECD data shows that another important factor is work-life balance .

  14. 你认为工作与生活的平衡问题对你的同事有何影响?

    How do you see work-life balance issues affecting colleagues ?

  15. 人类创建了城市,并在城市里工作与生活。

    Human beings built the city , work and live in it .

  16. 平衡工作与生活(上升趋势)

    Two : Work / Life Balance ( GOING UP )

  17. 工作与生活要想实现平衡,就要让这样的平衡成为自己生活的一部分。

    Work-life balance is achieved when it is part of your life .

  18. 如何找到工作与生活中得到平衡是每个工作的妈妈要面临的根本问题。

    Achieving work life balance is the ultimate question for working moms .

  19. 我没有对工作与生活之间的平衡抱有敌意。

    I 'm not hostile to work / life balance .

  20. 关于工作与生活的平衡之类的问题

    About work / life balance and all these things ,

  21. 空调带给人们舒适的工作与生活环境。

    The air conditioning takes people to the comfortable working and living conditions .

  22. 在日常工作与生活中,零部件在交变载荷作用下,其主要失效形式为疲劳破坏。

    The main failure of the parts under alternating loads is fatigue failure .

  23. 当代中国企业家工作与生活关系的研究

    Research on the Relation of the Contemporary Chinese Entrepreneur 's Work and Life

  24. 这位33岁、讲实话的创业者说的是工作与生活平衡的问题。

    The matter-of-fact 33-year-old is talking about work-life balance .

  25. 找到工作与生活得平衡点首先要学会说不。

    Finding work life balance begins with learning to say no. Stop doing everything .

  26. 我能在工作与生活中得到平衡。

    I can obtain a work life balance .

  27. 本研究的目的在于探究女性经理的工作与生活平衡问题。

    The purpose of this thesis is to inquiry female managers ' work-life balance .

  28. 研究者们推断可能是由于兼职工的工作与生活更加平衡。

    The researchers concluded that this is probably due to a better work-life balance .

  29. 19世纪英国铁路筑路工人工作与生活状况考察

    The Working and Living Conditions of the British Railway Laborers in the 19th Century

  30. 失眠严重的影响着人们的正常工作与生活。

    Insomnia seriously influences people 's daily life .