
  1. 工业粉尘排放量990.6万吨。

    The amount of the industrial dust is 9.9006 million tons .

  2. 随着经济的飞速发展,工业粉尘的排放量日益增加,对环境的危害越来越严重,对人体健康的威胁也越来越大。

    With the development of economic , the emission of industrial exhaust gas has been increased , which has destroyed the environment and threaten people 's heath more and more seriously .

  3. 静电除尘器在减少工业粉尘的排放量、降低大气环境污染、保护生态环境和人体健康等方面发挥着重要作用。

    The electrostatic precipitator ( ESP ) plays an important role in many areas , such as reduction of industrial dust emissions , reduction in air pollution , protection of ecological environment , and the protection of human health .

  4. 工业二氧化硫、工业烟尘、工业粉尘排放量与城市化各自耦合曲线和工业废气的耦合曲线相似,他们的互动关系也都进入了磨合阶段。

    Industrial SO2 , industrial soot , dust emissions and urbanization , industrial waste has their own respective coupling curve ; their relationship is in the break-in stage .