
  • 网络Kawabata Yasunari;Yasunari Kawabata
  1. 川端康成文学中的传统文化情结

    Literary Works of Kawabata Yasunari : His Passion for Traditional Culture

  2. 试论川端康成作品的日本传统美学特征

    Characteristics of Japanese Traditional Aesthetics of Kawabata Yasunari ′ s Works

  3. 川端康成是日本文学现代派的开山祖师之一。

    Kawabata is one of the pioneers of modernism in Japanese literature .

  4. 究其原因则是川端康成文艺思想是复杂多维的。

    The reason is Yasunari Kawabata literary theory is a complex multidimensional .

  5. 第二部分为社会生态视野中沈从文与川端康成的文学比较。

    The second part is from social ecological perspective .

  6. 川端康成一生与美术结下不解之缘。

    Yasunari Kawabata kept a close relationship with art in his whole life .

  7. 川端康成接受佛禅思想既有客观原因,也有主观原因。

    He believed in Zen Buddhism not only subjective factors but also objective factors .

  8. 川端康成与《雪乡》试论《雪国》的虚无主义思想

    Tries discusses " Snow Country " nihilism thought

  9. 川端康成研究的地域性差异&以《雪国》为中心

    The Regional Difference in the Research of Kawasaki

  10. 日本文学从整体上而言,是偏向于描摹悲哀之美的,而川端康成又是其中的代表。

    As a whole , depicting the beauty of sadness is a preference in Japanese literature .

  11. 日本传统美学理念“物哀”、“风雅”渗透了川端康成的文章。

    Traditional Japanese aesthetic philosophy " of sorrow " and " Fuga " infiltrated Yasunari Kawabata articles .

  12. 悲哀美的颂歌&评川端康成小说的艺术风格特色

    Ode to Pathetic Beauty

  13. 不同维度的死亡之美&川端康成和三岛由纪夫文学中死与美的主题比较

    A comparison of the themes of death and beauty in the writings by both Kawabata and Mishima Yukio

  14. 意识流作为一种创作手法。与川端康成的创作理念是相辅相成的。

    As a creation technique , the stream of consciousness is closely interrelated to Kawabata Yasunari 's creation philosophy .

  15. 川端康成的《名人》塑造了一位视围棋艺术为生命的卓越棋手形象。

    Yasunari Kawabata 's " Celebrity " created the image of a superb master who cherished Go art as life .

  16. 物哀之美&从《伊豆的舞女》看川端康成前期小说创作的审美意识

    The Beauty of Sadness to Creatures & See Chuan 's Early Aesthetic Consciousness through " The Dancing Girl in Iteo "

  17. 日本作家川端康成,其文学悲凉格调的形成与他的孤儿心态有很大关系。

    For the Japanese writer Chuanduan Kangcheng , there is much relation between his sad literary style and his orphan mood .

  18. 川端康成笔下日本女性的爱情命运,是日本传统文化和意识的必然产物。

    Japanese women 's love fate in kawabatayasunari 's novels is the absolute product of Japanese traditional conception and social customs .

  19. 而女性对于自己爱情命运的认同和接受及川端康成对女性美与自然美的融合则使这一悲剧不仅体现为宿命的,并且是凄艳的。

    However , the self-identity and acceptance of women themselves on the fact is not only fated , but also miserable and beautiful .

  20. 这部作品不仅反映了川端康成对美的执著追求,而且还体现了他浓郁的虚无主义思想。

    This work not only has reflected to Svenska Akademien the beautiful rigid pursue , moreover also has manifested his rich nihilism thought .

  21. 文学大师川端康成将东方传统美于西方现代派手法相结合,创作了传世之作《雪国》。

    The literary master Kawabata Yasunari completed his great work Snow Country , combining the traditional oriental beauty and the western modern writing skills .

  22. 川端康成创作中不断出现的死亡主题,反映着他的人生观和美学观。

    In Kawabata Yasynari 's creative works there constantly arises the theme of'death ' , which reflects his outlook of life & aesthetic standards .

  23. 对于日本现代作家川端康成来说,文学内部生命的展示集中于对爱学进行深入的探究和开掘。

    For Japanese modem writer Kawabata Yasunari , a show of literary inner life focuses on further pursuit for " love " in his works .

  24. 人们普遍对川端康成早、中期的作品给予了较高的评价,而对其晚期作品争议颇多。

    Most people sing the praise of the novels of his early and middle writing period , as to his later works , arguments exist .

  25. 本文从文学、美学、哲学三方面论说川端康成游记,探讨其独特卓异的旅游文化意义。

    This paper discusses his travel writings in literary , aesthetic , and philosophical perspectives and probes into the peculiar touristic cultural meanings in his works .

  26. 川端康成不仅在日本文学史上留下了浓墨重彩的一笔,而且在世界文坛上也占有一席之地。

    Kawabata Yasunari , not only in the history of Japanese literature left a carefully written , but also had a place in the world literary .

  27. 川端康成以他敏锐的感受,出色的艺术形式,表现了日本人的精神实质。

    In KOTO and other representative works of him , Kawabata conveys the essence of Japanese spirit by combining his shrewd perception and outstanding art forms .

  28. 日本当代著名作家大江健三郎是继川端康成之后日本第二位诺贝尔文学奖获得者,是日本战后文学的杰出代表。

    Ooekenzaburo is an outstanding representative of the post-war literature in Japan , who is also the second winner of Nobel Price for Literature after Kawabata Yasunari .

  29. 在漫长的一生中,川端康成创作了大量优秀的文学作品,构建起一座独具特色的艺术大厦。

    During the long period of his life , Kawabata Yasunari created a large number of outstanding literary works , and have set up a unique art building .

  30. 综观川端康成创作实践的全过程,虽然作品的风格有所发展,但是作家对于死亡特殊意义上的关注从未改变。

    Generally , see his whole process of his writing , although the development of his writing style , his paving attention to the meaning of death never changed .