
  • 网络Northwest Sichuan Plateau;northwest plateau of sichuan province
  1. 川西北高原湿地资源现状及合理利用

    Analysis , utilization and protection of wetland resources in the Northwest Plateau of Sichuan Province

  2. 川西北高原地区羊皮资源的开发研究

    Study on the Development of Skin Resources from Sheep and Goats in Northwest Plateau of Sichuan Province

  3. 应用RAPD分析川西北高原青棵的遗传背景

    Using RAPD for Evaluating Genetic Background Among Naked Barley Varieties in Sichuan Northwestern Region

  4. 野生果树垂直分布范围在海拔400m~4500m之间,主要集中分布于盆周山地,生境条件严酷的川西北高原区种类最少。

    Aggregate berry ? multiple achene and multiple drupe . These wild fruit trees are distributed in the scope of 400 m ~ 4 500 m altitude , mainly in the edge mountains of the Sichuan Basin and there are few species in Northwestern Sichuan plateau with rigid environment .

  5. 羌族民间艺术与川西北高原文化

    Folk Arts of Qiang Nationality and Plateau Culture in Northwest Part of Sichuan Province

  6. 川西北高原339例食管癌的胃镜临床资料分析

    Clinical data analysis of 339 esophagus cancer cases by gastroscope in northwest sichuan plateau

  7. 川西北高原家畜数量与生态环境因子的统计关系及其生态意义

    Statistical Relationships between Ecological Factors and Livestock Population of Northwest Sichuan Plateau and Its Ecological Significances

  8. 川西北高原野生老芒麦种质资源抗旱性初步研究

    A Preliminary Study on Drought-resistance of Native Elymus Sibiricus Germplasms Resources from the Northwest Plateau of Sichuan Province

  9. 川西北高原地区玉米育种现状及发展对策探讨我国烤烟抗烤烟普通花叶病育种策略探讨

    Present Situation and Countermeasure Discusses on Plateau Maize Breeding in Northwest Region of Sichuan Province Strategy of Tobacco Breeding for TMV Resistance

  10. 川西北高原野生垂穗披碱草遗传多样性研究一个高大丛生的多年生禾草属(例如欧滨麦或披碱草属(野麦属)的几种禾草种的任一种)。

    Genetic Diversity of Elymus Nutans in the Northwestern Plateau of Sichuan Province ; tall tufted perennial grasses ( such as lyme grass or wild rye ) .

  11. 应用NOAA/AVHRR数据识别川西北高原若尔盖县草原鼠危害区的研究。

    The application of NOAA / AVHRR satellite data in the identification of rat damaging area in the grassland of northwest plateau of Sichuan was reported in this paper .

  12. 采用线性化变换方法,建立正规方程组,获得了川西北高原地区牦牛、绵羊及山羊数量多个生态因子间的多项式回归方程。

    We adopted the linearization mutation means to establish the normal equation series , and obtained the polynomial regression equation of the ecology factors such as amount of yak ? sheep and goat in the northwest highland area of Sichuan province .

  13. 在川西山原暖温带生态地理分布区和川西北高原寒温带生态地理分布区未发现有果蔬实蝇分布。

    No fruit flies attacking fruits and vegetables were discovered in the mountainous region distribution district of western Sichuan and the plateau distribution district of northwestern Sichuan .

  14. 川西北大穗大粒型小麦灌浆规律研究川西北高原老芒麦的遗传多样性研究

    Studies on the Grain-Filling Characteristics of Wheat Varieties with Big-spike and High-kernel Weight in Northwest SiChuan