
  • 网络west sichuan plateau
  1. 川西高原草原地区的金矿成矿元素的表生地球化学特征

    Supergene geochemical characteristics of ore forming elements in gold deposits of West Sichuan Plateau prairie area

  2. 川西高原草地野生蘑菇遗传多样性和重要性状分析

    Analysis of Genetic Diversity and Important Traits about Agaricus Campestris in West Sichuan Plateau , China

  3. 基于RS与GIS技术的川西高原土地利用/覆盖现状调查研究

    Study on the Land Cover / Land Use by Using Remote Sensing and GIS in the West Sichuan Plateau

  4. 野外地质地貌调查和对川西高原DEM的分析结果表明,川西高原存在两级夷平面和一级剥蚀面。

    Field observation and analysis of the DEM of Western Sichuan Plateau indicate that , there are two planation surfaces and one erosion surface in Western Sichuan Plateau .

  5. 分析指出,川西高原绝大部分滑坡主要发生在河流V型谷地中,并受深切河谷地形地貌形态特征的控制。

    It is pointed out that the great majority of the landslides on the western Sichuan Plateau occur in deep-incised " V " - shaped valleys and are mainly controlled by the morphological features of the river valleys .

  6. 川西高原气象条件对稻米品质的影响

    Effects of Meteorological Conditions in Western Sichuan Plateau on Rice Qualities

  7. 这一发现弥补了川西高原中更新世无断代化石的空白。

    This discovery has filled the gap in Middle Pleistocene fossils .

  8. 川西高原的风情画卷&醉美四姑娘山

    Picturesque four girl ' mountain at the Western Sichuan Plateau

  9. 川西高原牧区自然发酵酸乳中优良酸乳发酵剂菌株的筛选

    Screening of Super LAB Strains from Natural Fermented Milk in Western Sichuan Plateau

  10. 川西高原土地利用/土地覆盖分类方法

    Method for Land Use / Land Cover Classification in the Western Sichuan Plateau

  11. 研究区位于四川省西部,川西高原理塘县境内。

    The study area is located in Western Sichuan Plateau , Litang county .

  12. 川西高原的上白垩统及第三系

    Upper Cretaceous and tertiary of Western Sichuan Plateau

  13. 川西高原第三纪推覆构造

    Tertiary nappe structures of the Western Sichuan Plateau

  14. 川西高原森林生物多样性及其生态功能的研究

    The forest bio-diversity and its ecological function in the plateau area of Western Sichuan

  15. 川西高原水环境的氧化还原特征初探川西高原松茸生态及遗传多样性研究

    Oxidation reduction characters for occurrence environment of drinking water in the western Sichuan plateau

  16. 川西高原立体气候资源开发利用的初步分析

    A Preliminary Analysis of Stereoscopic Exploitation and Utilization of Climate Resources in Western Sichuan Plateau

  17. 川西高原大雪人工神经元网络短期预报系统

    The Short range Weather Forecast for Heavy Snow in Chuanxi Plateau by BP Artificial Neural Network

  18. 川西高原早第三纪植物群的发现及其在植物地理学上的意义

    On the discovery of Palaeogene flora from the Western Sichuan Plateau and its significance in phytogeography

  19. 对川西高原森林物种多样性及其生态功能进行了研究。

    This paper studies the species diversity and its ecological function in a plateau area of western Sichuan .

  20. 泸定县地处川西高原与四川盆地过渡地带,属于高山峡谷地貌,生态环境脆弱,一旦破坏将很难恢复。

    LuDing County , which is located in the transition zone between western Sichuan plateau and Sichuan Basin , belongs to high canyon landscape .

  21. 川西高原蘑菇菌株遗传差异的酯酶同工酶分析一株高产酯酶中度嗜盐菌的分离、鉴定及酯酶部分酶学性质的研究

    Study on Genetic Diversity of Agaricus campestris Strains in Western Sichuan Plateau with Esterase Isozyme Isolation and Characterization of a Moderately Halophilic Bacterium High-producing Esterase

  22. 川西高原广泛分布的西康群,原视为区域低温动力变质作用低绿片岩相变质岩。

    Xikang Group is widely exposed on the West Sichuan Plateau and was considered to be a low greenschist facies metamorphic rock due to regional low-temperature dynamometamorphism .

  23. 秋季平均雨强在云南和贵州大部分地区有增大趋势,而盆地东部和川西高原有减小趋势。

    In autumn , the average rainfall intensity increased in most parts of Yunnan and Guizhou , but decreased in the eastern Sichuan Basin and the western Sichuan highland .

  24. 当我决定再次蹬上川西高原阿坝州时,在灾区我所将看到的,听到的以及要发生的是一些痛苦的未知。

    When I decided to get on the West-Chuan Plateau to Aba state area , what I would see and hear and happen was some painful unknown in disaster area .

  25. 四川丹巴燕子沟金矿位于川西高原,地处大渡河上游的自然保护区,生态环境脆弱。

    Yanzigou gold mine in Danba is located in western Sichuan plateau and the up stream of nature reserve area of Dadu River , where the ecological environment is very vulnerable .

  26. 进入90年代在四川已形成盆地罕见区,盆周山地、川西南山地局部分布区、川西高原广布区的分布格局。

    In the 90s , the distribution pattern revealed rare in the basin , partial distribution in mountainous areas around basin or in southwest Sichuan , and extensive distribution in western Sichuan plateau .

  27. 在整个时间段内的平均剥蚀速率,川西高原为0.26mm/yr,龙门山为0.72mm/yr,四川盆地为0.20mm/yr。

    The mean denudation rate is 0.26 mm / yr for the western Sichuan plateau , 0.72 mm / yr for the Longmen Mountains , and 0.20 mm / yr for the Sichuan Basin .

  28. 川西高原氐羌的历史,可以追溯到夏商时代,这无论在文献还是考古资料中都有据可证。

    The history of the Di and Qiang peoples in the west Sichuan Plateau can be traced back to the Xia and Shang Dynasties , which can be proved both in literature and in archeological documents .

  29. 5.12汶川地震发生于川西高原东部中、高山地区,由于此处地质环境极为脆弱,造成地壳断裂、地面山体破碎。

    The 5.12 Wenchuan earthquake happened in eastern middle and high mountain areas of the West Sichuan Plateau . Because the geological environment is fragile , The Earth crust is fractured , the mountain massif is broken .

  30. 辐合辐散区域开始形成于川西高原下山坡处,并且逐渐往东移动,值的大小也在逐渐减弱,重力波对这次降水过程强度的影响是成正比的。

    The convergence and divergence zone began to form in the slope at west Sichuan plateau and gradually moved eastward , whose value was gradually decreased . The affect of gravity waves to this precipitation process was proportional .