
  • 网络Peak Moment;L Ora Di Punta
  1. 巅峰时刻的杰克逊,是自弗雷德阿斯泰尔(FredAstaire)以来最出色的歌舞艺人。

    Jackson at his peak was the most complete song-and-dance man since Fred Astaire .

  2. 我们看到伦纳德在与金州勇士队的比赛中帮助多伦多猛龙获得队史第一个总冠军以及自己的第二个NBA总决赛MVP。这些都是最值得珍视的东西,是作为一名运动员的巅峰时刻。

    And we saw Leonard take the fight to Golden State to claim Toronto 's first title and Leonard 's second NBA Finals most valuable player award.These are things you cherish , the pinnacle of athletic endeavors .

  3. 两年前,我在参议院军事委员会见到了希拉里的巅峰时刻。

    I saw her at her best in the Senate Armed Services Committee two years ago .

  4. 对大部分人来说,结婚或生子是他们人生的巅峰时刻。

    For most people , getting married or having a baby are the peak moments in their lives .

  5. 美国惊奇娱乐公司长期以来致力于将漫画中那些与邪恶作战的精英斗士们塑造成票房明星。《复仇者联盟》则标志着这一计划的巅峰时刻。

    The Avengers marks the culmination of a long-range plan by Marvel Entertainment to transform their elite stable of comic-book crime fighters into box-office superstars .

  6. 堂·里德尔:没错,胜利对他们来说还没有结束,他们还要去参加…在即将成为西班牙的巅峰时刻,还要参加英冠联赛及西班牙国王杯,他们能胜任这些比赛吗?

    DON RIDDELL : Yeah and it 's not over for them yet , they 're still going for the , well what will be an unprecedented treble in Spain , they 're going to go for the league championship and the kings cups as well . Can they do it ?
