
  • 网络Twiggy
  1. 崔姬又像男孩又像女孩,是她当时真实的生活写照。

    Twiggy was a little of both boy and girl a mirror of her time .

  2. 发型师吉多·帕劳(GuidoPalau)提议扎一个松松的马尾,差不多是一半扎起来,一半垂下来,其实这是受到模特崔姬(Twiggy)的启发。

    Guido Palau , the hairstylist , proposed a loosely tied ponytail , sort of half up and half down , with a deep part inspired by Twiggy .

  3. 有一些模特的体重数据被广泛宣传,比如数据显示,凯特·摩丝(KateMoss)在事业高峰期的体质指数为15到16,水平与20世纪60年代的超模崔姬(Twiggy)差不多。

    Widely publicized figures for weights of models like Kate Moss at the height of her fashion career indicate she would have had a body mass index of 15 to 16 , which was similar to that of Twiggy , a 1960s supermodel .

  4. 重点在于修饰眼睛,超模崔姬(1949年出生)的浓密眼睫毛、厚重的眼线和男孩般的小仙女发型就是代表,这个时候女权运动刚刚起步。

    The emphasis was on dramatic eyes , with supermodel Twiggy ( b. 1949 ) showcasing thick , clumpy lashes and heavy liner along with her boyish pixie cut as women 's rights movements began to take off .