
  • 网络Geotechnical engineer
  1. 结构工程师考注册岩土工程师应注意的问题

    A structure engineer should pay attention to some questions that take an examination for geotechnical engineer of registration

  2. 岩土工程师,不仅要为建设工程设计提供地质资料,而且还要积极参与或争取主持整个岩土工程项目的设计与施工。

    A geotechnical engineer not only should provide geological information but also should positively take part in or try to manage the design and construction of the whole geotechnical engineering .

  3. 参数给不准,数据有限,本构机理不清楚,不确定性和非线性极强,已成为困扰岩土工程师的严重问题。

    Uncertainty of parameters , shortage of data , mistiness of constitutive law , and serious nonlinearity has been a big obstacle to engineers .

  4. 所系统阐述的设计流程和设计方法是基坑工程设计一般应遵循的规律,对年轻的岩土工程师由一定的指导意义。

    Design process and methods comply with common principles of foundation pit design , so it can be some guidance to young geotechnical engineers .

  5. 岩土工程师们不仅要关心路基本身的沉降变形,而且要十分关注路基的侧向变形及引起相邻桩土侧向变形效应问题。

    Geotechnical engineers should pay attention to not only the settlement deformation of the roadbed , but also the lateral deformation of that and adjacent piles & soil .

  6. 但各种深基坑支护方法都有其局限性,岩土工程师在确定方案时必须充分考虑当地工程地质条件、建筑物基坑特点,选择组合支护技术方法,方可达到事半功倍之目的。

    Since any supporting procedure has its limitation , geotechnical engineers should take site engineering geological conditions and feature of foundation pit into account , and choose composite supporting procedures to get better retaining effect .

  7. 以上研究结果有助于岩土工程师认识到非饱和黄土地区基质吸力对边坡稳定性和基坑支护结构内力和侧移的显著影响。

    The above study outcome can help the geotechnical engineer to realize the notable influence of matrix suction toward the stability of loess slope , the stress of the supporting structure and the moving of the excavation .

  8. 自2002年在全国举行首次注册岩土工程师考试以来,结构工程师报考注册岩土工程师也成了一大热点。

    It has become a hotspot that a structure engineer take an examination for geotechnical engineer of registration since 2002 . The general situation of examination about civil engineer of registration and geotechnical engineer of registration are discussed .

  9. 如何简单、方便的确定围岩参数和本构模型一直是岩土工程师研究的热点之一。随着新奥法施工方法的普及,信息的动态反馈也备受关注。

    How to define the parameter of rocks and constitutive model has been one of the focuses of Geotechnical Engineers ' study . With the popularity of NATM , the dynamic feedback of information has garnered particular attention .

  10. 岩土工程师们不仅经常要评估已有桩基在侧向土体运动条件下的响应特性,而且经常要设计抗滑桩以加固不稳定不安全的边坡或阻止有可能坍滑的山体。

    Geotechnical engineers are often required to either assess the lateral response of existing piles caused by adjacent settling approach embankment , pile driving operations , excavation operations , tunneling operations , and so on , or design piles to stabilize unstable slopes or potential landslides .

  11. 膨胀土化学改性是化学岩土工程中的一项重要课题,受到广大岩土工程师的重视。

    The improvement of expansive soil with chemical medicine is an important topic in chemical-geotechnical engineering , so it has been concerned by geotechnical engineers .