
  1. 深圳市属滨海城市,主山脉走向基本为EW向,由北向南由低山丘岭逐渐到滨海平原。

    Shenzhen City is a seashore city with axial ridge and low mountain physiognomy to seashore plain from the North to the South .

  2. 台风灾害区的地理分布具有明显的山脉走向性;

    The distribution of typhoon disaster regions is character along the moutains .

  3. 地形,指地势高低和山脉走向的影响;

    Topography , altitude and pointed toward the mountains ;

  4. 云南特有的流域地形、山脉走向及所形成的小气候特点决定了云南紫胶虫在云南的地理分布格局。

    The unique river valley topography , mountain range alignment , and local weather characteristics in Yunnan Province determine the geographic distribution pattern of K.yunnanensis .

  5. 在山脊或者岗落上分布的土墩墓基本呈现出一字排开的串珠状,个别较为宽阔的高低上存在有沿山脉走向并列的分布关系。

    Ridge or hillock falls in the mound tombs of distribution are which present basically set up in an array beaded and an individual broader height . The existence has a long sierra moves toward the compound distribution .

  6. 阿巴拉契亚山脉的走向是从东北到西南,落基山脉则是从西北到东南。

    The Appalachians run slightly from the northeast to southwest and the Rocky mountains run slightly from the northwest to southeast .

  7. 主体山脉呈东西走向。

    The principal range runs east to west .

  8. 横断山脉为南北走向。

    The Hengduan Mountains run from north to south .