
  • 网络Residential district planning;residential planning
  1. 关于居住区规划环评中限制因素的探讨

    Discussion on Restrictive Factors in Environmental Impact Assessment of Residential District Planning

  2. 城市居住区规划中的抗震防灾问题研究

    Problems of Resisting Earthquake and Preventing Disasters in Urban Residential District Planning

  3. 以居住区规划设计MCAI课件的开发研制为例,介绍MCAI课件的技术特点以及制作过程,并阐述建立课件评价体系对保正课件不断完善的必要性。

    Take live area programming design MCAI lesson piece development research to manufacture as an example , Introduce the MCAI lesson piece technique characteristics and create the process , Combine to expatiate to establish the lesson an evaluation system to protect the positive lesson a continuously .

  4. TOD理念对郊区居住区规划具有借鉴意义,但由于中国自身的国情,不能对其理论进行简单的照搬,而应从解决目前郊区居住区规划中的实际问题入手。

    TOD philosophy is Planning for residential areas on the outskirts of reference , but because of the deference between China and West , its theory can not be a simple copy and should solve the existing suburban residential area in planning the practical problems start .

  5. 汽车消费进入家庭后居住区规划设计对策研究

    Planning solutions of residential district when cars becoming family consumer goods

  6. 北京市团结湖居住区规划设计

    Planning of the " Tuanchi Lake " Residential Quarter in Peking

  7. 居住区规划设计中生态思维的应用研究

    Research on Ecological Thoughts in Planning and Design of Residential Area

  8. 浅析竖向规划在居住区规划中的重要性

    Simple analysis of importance of vertical plan in populated area plan

  9. 成都曼哈顿居住区规划设计

    The planning and architecture design of Chengdu Manhattan residential community

  10. 影响居住区规划的深层结构要素

    Deep - Seated Structural Factors Affecting the Planning of a Residential District

  11. 小城镇社区服务业发展探析阳光新都居住区规划

    Small Town Community Service Industry Sunlight New Town Community Planning

  12. 新都市主义及其与现代居住区规划设计方法的比较

    New Urbanism and Comparison with the Planning Method of Modern residential District

  13. 居住区规划开发中的利益博弈分析

    Profit Analysis by Game Theory in the Dwelling District Planning and Development

  14. 从为大众的住宅到为大众的社区从居住区规划到社区建设

    From Affordable Housing to Affordable Community From Residential Planning to Community Building

  15. 轿车发展与城市居住区规划初探

    Primary research on cars development and city populated area planning

  16. 居住区规划和住宅设计的发展方向

    Planning of Residence Zone and Development Direction of Housing Design

  17. 居住区规划结构的理论形成及设计方法

    The theory form and the design method of dwelling district planning structure

  18. 社区规划理念下的居住区规划探讨

    Study on Residential District Planning Applying to Community Planning Theory

  19. 居住区规划理论与实践浅析

    Superficial Analysis to the Residential Area Planning Theory and Practice

  20. 居住区规划设计中配套公共服务设施的思考

    Thinking about Auxiliary Public Service Facilities in Planning and Design of Residential District

  21. 居住区规划设计浅议

    Elementary introduction to plan and design of residential areas

  22. 纳入物业管理因素的居住区规划设计

    Residential District Planning Design Brought into Property Management Factors

  23. 引入社区概念后居住区规划教学的若干实践与思考

    Practice and Research on Residential District Planning Teaching Applying to the Community Concept

  24. 鸡西市居住区规划的研究

    Study on Planning of Residential District in Jixi Urban

  25. 珠三角地区大型居住区规划探讨

    A Study on the Planning of Large Residential Districts in Pearl River Delta

  26. 风水理论在城市居住区规划设计中的借鉴

    Reference Study of the FengShui Theory in the City Community Plan and Design

  27. 探求居住区规划使用后评估的方法是本文的主要目的。

    The Study on the Methods of Post-Occupancy Evaluation in City Open Space ;

  28. 对居住区规划设计要素的再认识

    On Planning and Design Elements of Residential Area

  29. 居住区规划应如何适应人口老龄化的要求

    The residential area program how to suit the demand of the aging of population

  30. 另一种方法是等值线法及其在公共设施规划和居住区规划中的应用。

    The other is contour method using in community facilities planning and resident planning .