
jú zhǎnɡ
  • director;commissioner;director-general
  1. 他在门口转悠了一整天,企望有机会同局长谈谈。

    He hung about the entrance all day , hoping for a chance to speak to the director .

  2. 已公布副局长书面提出辞呈。

    It was announced the vice director had filed his resignation .

  3. 罗兹局长无暇评论。

    Commissioner Rhodes was unavailable for comment .

  4. 透露给报界的文件中有一份是秘密警察局长写的备忘录。

    One of the documents leaked to the press was a memorandum written by the head of the security police .

  5. 电话线那头噼里啪啦地传来警察局长短促的声音。

    The Chief Constable 's clipped tones crackled over the telephone line .

  6. 警察局局长对侵入其辖区的行为深恶痛绝。

    The Chief Constable deeply resented any intrusions into his manor

  7. 针对批评的浪潮,警察局长们极力为警方的行为进行辩护。

    Police chiefs strongly defended police conduct against a wave of criticism .

  8. 各地警察局局长应当重树其维护辖区安定的执法者形象。

    Local police chiefs should re-emerge as figures of authority and reassurance in their areas

  9. 韦伯斯特即将从中央情报局局长的位子上退职。

    Webster is retiring as head of the Central Intelligence Agency ( CIA ) .

  10. 洛杉矶警察局局长并不总是如此疏远政客,根本不会。

    The Los Angeles police chief was not always so insulated from politicians ; anything but .

  11. 当邮政局长和妻子到邮局开门营业时,3名持械男子正等着他们。

    Three armed men were waiting when the postmaster and his wife arrived to open up the shop

  12. 他以辞职相威胁从而获得了局长的位子,手下有大约150名官员。

    He has acquired , by dint of threatening to resign , a directorate-general with about 150 officials .

  13. 警察局长来检查过死者。

    The chief of the police came and examined the dead .

  14. 她被任命为约克市邮政局局长。

    She was appointed postmaster of the city of York .

  15. 现任邮局局长过去是邮递员。

    The present postmaster used to be a postman .

  16. 全国政协委员、原上海出入境检验检疫局局长徐金记

    Xu Jinji , CPPCC member and former director of the Shanghai Entry-Exit Inspection10 and Quarantine Bureau

  17. 全国政协委员、国家旅游局前局长邵琪伟

    Shao Qiwei , CPPCC National Committee member and former deputy head of the National Tourism Administration

  18. 市场监管总局发现部分培训机构虚构或夸大教师资质。市场监管总局价监竞争局局长袁喜禄表示,

    The regulator found that academic qualifications of some tutors at the firms were fabricated or exaggerated .

  19. 全国知识产权局局长会议1月6日在北京举行,会议指出,2019年,知识产权高质量发展取得新成效,知识产权塑造良好营商环境和创新环境取得新进展。

    China has made a series of achievements over the past year to create a friendly environment for business , innovation and high-quality intellectual property development , according to a meeting of the heads of intellectual property rights ( IPR ) administrations on Monday in Beijing .

  20. 国家医保局副局长陈金甫表示,2018年以来,医保扶贫政策通过基本医保累计帮助减轻农村贫困人口医疗负担近3300亿元,助力近1000万户因病致贫群众精准脱贫,贫困人口参加基本医疗保险的参保率持续稳定在99.9%。

    The basic health insurance has paid 330 billion yuan for poor farmers since 2018 as part of a broader move to curb at more than 99.9 percent among the nation 's impoverished population , Chen Jinfu , deputy head of the National Healthcare Security Bureau , said .

  21. 对X省X市改进教育局长考核评价方法的试点个案追踪研究

    The Research of Assessment of Education Bureau Director

  22. 本文作者为美国卡内基国际和平基金会(CarnegieEndowment)高级研究员,曾任世界银行(worldbank)中国业务局局长

    The writer is a senior associate at the Carnegie Endowment and a former World Bank director for China

  23. JohnBerry是联邦人事管理局局长,负责监督联邦政府的退休和医疗计划。

    John Berry is director of the federal Office of Personnel Management which supervises federal retirement and health plans .

  24. 浅析美元贬值对我国经济的影响全球化:是剥削还是机遇&世界银行发展政策局局长DavidDollar谈全球化现象

    Globalization : exploitation or opportunity ? David Dollar Director of Development Policy , Development Economics , the World Bank told us something about globalization

  25. 美国国税局(InternalRevenueService)局长道格拉斯苏尔曼(DouglasShulman)表示:这份协议向那些隐瞒离岸收入和资产的人传递了一个明白无误的信息。

    This agreement sends an unmistakable message to people hiding income and assets offshore , said Douglas Shulman , commissioner of the Internal Revenue Service , the US tax authority .

  26. 急切等待这一全球经济实力转移象征的观察人士,上周五抓住了中国国家外汇管理局(SAFE)局长易纲的一句话。

    Observers eagerly awaiting what will be a symbol of shifting global economic power on Friday seized on a remark by Yi Gang , director of the State Administration of Foreign Exchange , about China 's growth prospects .

  27. 如果参议院批准这项提名,美国驻阿富汗的最高司令戴维·彼得雷乌斯(DavidPetraeus)将接任中央情报局局长一职。

    The CIA job would go to David Petraeus , currently the top American general in Afghanistan , if the Senate approves the nominations .

  28. 据NPR新闻的迪娜·特普尔·拉斯顿报道,副局长提供了有关这些调查如何进行的蓝图。

    As NPR 's Dina Temple-Raston reports , he provided a blueprint for how these investigations are run .

  29. 67岁的盖茨离职后,将由华盛顿经验丰富的CIA局长帕内特接任国防部长。

    The 67-year-old Gates will be ed by another veteran of Washington public service , Leon Panetta , who has been leading the CIA .

  30. 这些非同寻常的陈述被呈报给时任FBI局长埃德加胡佛,这份备忘录名为飞盘。

    Their extraordinary accounts were sent to Edgar Hoover , the director of the FBI , in a memo titled " Flying Discs " .