
  • 网络trunk;boot
  1. 我的汽车尾箱中有些上等的葡萄酒。

    I left some good wine in the car trunk .

  2. 她说有人把她关在车尾箱里。

    Saying how someone threw her in the trunk of her car .

  3. 国内家用汽车尾箱整理设备的市场调研与设计策略

    The Trunk Organizer 's Domestic Market Research & Design Strategy

  4. 新型摩托车尾箱用锁系统

    New Lock System of Motorcycle Tail Box

  5. 车尾箱甩卖是清空阁楼和车库的一大捷径。

    The car boot sale is a great way of emptying the contents of your loft or garage .

  6. 可否替我把行李放在车尾箱呢?我的汽车尾箱中有些上等的葡萄酒。

    Could you help me to load my Luggage into the boot , please ? I left some good wine in the car trunk .

  7. 将物品放在私家车和出租车的后排或尾箱时,请确保车后门、后窗和尾箱已锁好;

    If you need to leave your goods in your own car or taxi 's back seat or back case , make sure it has been locked .

  8. 把这箱衣服放在汽车后座上,而不是尾箱(这样你会很容易忘记),捐赠给二手商店。

    Put this box of clothing in the backseat of your car , not your trunk ( you 'll just forget about it ) and donate these items to a thrift store .

  9. 车尾箱甩卖是清空阁楼和车库的一大捷径。我是在清仓大甩卖时以相当便宜的价钱买了这件上衣。

    The car boot sale is a great way of emptying the contents of your loft or garage . I bought this top for a very cheap price at a clearance sale .

  10. 宝马3系敞篷车是首款拥有三段式可折叠铝质车顶的宝马轿车。它比绝大多数车型都更好地处理了上述问题,但也因为需要为车顶腾出空间而无法增加尾箱空间。

    The3 Series convertible , the first BMW with a three-piece folding aluminum roof , deals with them better than most but can 't hike the extra space in the rear needed for top storage .

  11. 1.把你的食物和食品垃圾存放在锁好的冷藏箱中,如果你的汽车停在附近,夜晚可以放在尾箱中,防止动物的魔爪伸向它们。

    Step 1 Keep your food and food trash in a locked cooler and , if you 've got a car nearby , store it in your trunk at night to keep it away from prying paws .