
xiǎo fēi jī
  • Small aircraft;flivver
小飞机[xiǎo fēi jī]
  1. 在树林的那一边,一架小飞机停在那里,发动机在空转。

    Beyond a stand of trees a small plane idled

  2. 他们有一架小飞机,对吧?

    They have a small plane , right ?

  3. 最后,当他们再次安全地回到地面后,马克显得十分激动。他用颤抖的声音说道:“乔治,非常感谢你让我乘小飞机做的两次飞行。”

    When they came , " Well , George , thank you very much for those two trips in your plane . "

  4. 像大多数小飞机一样,黄蜂无人机通过固定的翅膀获得上升力,并通过螺旋桨获得推动力,螺旋桨的动力来自一个10w的电动马达。

    Like most small planes , the Wasp gets lift from fixed wings and thrust from a propeller , which is powered by a10W electric motor .

  5. 当他们正在睡觉时,他们看起来像小飞机。

    When they are sleeping , they look like little planes .

  6. 他买了一架小飞机,并学习驾驶。

    He bought a small plane and learned to fly it .

  7. 然后在西雅图换乘小飞机往北飞一个小时到天使港,

    another hour in a small plane up to Port Angeles ,

  8. 风暴舰(暗版航空母舰)生产一种以上的小飞机么?

    Will carriers ( Tempest ) produce more than one drone type ?

  9. 我是一架小飞机,飞得很高。

    I 'm a little airplane , flying very high .

  10. 你的那架小飞机可以绕着这个大家伙转圈玩。

    Your GEE bee could fly circles around that thing .

  11. 妈妈,看我的卡片上的蓝色小飞机。

    Mum , look at the little blue plane on my card .

  12. 乘那架小飞机飞行危险吗?

    Is it dangerous to fly in that small plane ?

  13. 多少个托马斯可以……建个小飞机?

    How many Isaiahs would it take to ... build a small airplane ?

  14. 明天那架小飞机就会坠落。

    Tomorrow 's the day that small plane is supposed to go down .

  15. 然后在附近的露天场地,他们看到一架小飞机。

    Then , in a nearby field , they saw a small airplane .

  16. 这样就可使重量更有效地分布在小飞机上。

    This is so that weight can be distributed more effectively on small planes .

  17. 在天空有一架小飞机低飞着,缓缓穿过荒原。

    Low in the sky a small plane was flying slowly across the moor .

  18. 小飞机被白云所淹没。

    The cloud swallowed up the small plane .

  19. 玛丽和妈妈乘座小飞机飞过大山。

    Mary and her mother are flying over the mountains in a small plane .

  20. 它们自己造了一架小飞机。

    They made a small plane by themselves .

  21. 乘小飞机从中国到日本的飞行是一次可怕的经历。

    The flight from China to Japan in a small plane is a terrifying experience .

  22. 发现是一家小飞机,他一下子冲到了飞机的后面。

    He rushed to the behind of the airplane when he found it was small .

  23. 小飞机在城南的飞机场降落了。

    The little plane came down at the old airport , south of the town .

  24. 那架小飞机突然升入空中。

    The little plane suddenly soared upwards .

  25. 你马上派架小飞机来。

    You send that little bird now .

  26. 我们使用了小飞机和海上帆船绕过-比普通汽车的更好!

    We used sea planes and sail boats to get around-much better than normal cars !

  27. 她跟父亲说要一架飞机,然后她的父亲就为她组装了一架小飞机。

    She asked her father for a plane and he assembled a small aircraft for her .

  28. 这架小飞机从附近的一个飞行俱乐部起飞,不久后就坠毁了。

    The aircraft took off at a nearby flying club but soon began to lose altitude .

  29. 12个人都上厂那架小飞机,飞机启动了。

    The twelve people got into the little plane , and the plane began to move .

  30. 一架从昆明起飞的小飞机载着我们飞越群山,把我们送到了景洪。

    A small plane from Kunming carried us over the mountains and sent us to Jinghong .