
  • 网络diverticulum of small intestine;Meckel;diverticula of the small bowel;diverticular
  1. 小肠憩室并发症临床病理分析附32例报告

    Clinical treatment of small bowel diverticula : review of 32 cases

  2. 小肠憩室并发症的临床分析

    Clinical Analysis of the Complications in Small Intestine Diverticulum

  3. 成人小肠憩室慢性出血误诊分析

    Analysis of the Causes of Misdiagnosis of Chronic Bleeding from Small Bowel Diverticula in Adults

  4. 小肠憩室病的临床及病理特点(附33例报告)

    The clinic and pathology of small intestine diverticular disease ( a report of 33 cases ) .

  5. 方法对1996-2005年间诊治的小肠憩室并发症进行回顾性分析。

    Method Form 1996 to 2005 , 16 cases with complications in small intestine diverticulum were analyzed retrospectively .

  6. 确立此诊断必须先确认胆囊正常及有小肠憩室存在。

    The diagnosis can be established only by documenting the normalcy of the gallbladder and the presence of duodenal or jejunal diverticula .

  7. 小肠憩室的临床并发症有小肠梗阻9例,憩室出血6例,余有憩室穿孔,憩室结石等。

    Clinical complications included obstruction in 9 cases , bleeding in 6 cases , perforation in 4 cases , enterolith in 2 cases , neoplasm in 1 case .